26. The Attack on the Orphanage

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There is a lot of things and lessons I learnt in these 29 years of my life. 

And one of the major lessons was, to not underestimate the time and its speed.

Another month passed away in a blink of an eye and it's already two months since I began my new life in this shitty novel where people get nosebleeds and faint just by looking at person's face.

Life outside the Royal Academy went smoothly. I successfully frightened yet another weird woman who tried to get with Aiden because of his money. The Archdude sucks at picking up decent people as his fiance (cause his idea of decent is weird itself). If I let any of those women become Aiden's wife, I'm pretty sure Aiden's gonna suffer. I can already imagine him dealing with the lady's tantrums and apologizing for her mistakes.

I decided that even though I may not get to marry that piece of delicious ass, I might as well make sure he ends up with a nice person.

Choco and I have gotten enough close for Choco to wish me first and for her to speak more than 5 words which is progress if you ask me.

In the Royal Academy, dealing with whispers is a part of my daily life.

Besides Traashid's failed attempts at flirting, nothing special happened. Which was quite unsettling.

I frowned once again as the carriage continued moving forward.

Seanna and Traashid were supposed get all lovey-dovey by now. But they barely talk to each other. I haven't seen them together at all. There may have been few eyes to eye contact but nothing else.

What about all those secret meetings??

And then, all of a sudden my rationality and logic (which were sleeping for the past month, might I add) replied,

Those secret meetings are 'secret' for a reason sweetheart.

And then as if thunderstruck I smacked my hand on my forehead releasing a deep breath and muttering 'idiot' under my breath.

Of course, I wouldn't get to see them being lovey-dovey! I was the villainess for heaven's sake! The whole point of the secret meetings was to not let Adailia see them and flip her shit.

The things still must be going on as planned (hope so) and I'm just not seeing it.

So basically.... My ship's still sailing and I'm not on it.

Well, fine.

As long as my babies are happy.

The carriage stopped in front of a garden and I hopped out of it with other nobles.

We had a combine outdoor class with the mages today.

The commoners, who didn't own carriages were teleported here through a magic circle(and I so wish I didn't have a carriage).

"Okay, so students," a mage teacher said, "We are going to perform some experiments to test knights and mages. This time it will be knights against mages. Noblewomen here are requested to be the audience, do not worry, we also have a practical study session later on where everybody can participate."

I was kind of sad that we (noblewomen) couldn't participate in a knight vs mages test, but later understood why they did that.

The knights and mages were supposed to fight a dragon.

A fucking dragon who breathed fire.

Norbert*, is that you?

I thought, snickering at my sense of humour.[*Norbert was Hagrid's dragon (kind of)  in Harry Potter].

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