14. The feast

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And then there was that moment when I had to choose a dress.
As a First Order employee you only get to take a few personal clothes with you, so I didn't have much choice on clothing.
Luckily I had the one not bad thing from Corellia. It was the dress my -only- friend had made for me, she was studying to become a dressmaker.
When I took it out of the closet, my jaw dropped, I didn't remember it to be so beautiful.
It was a gorgeous dress, midnight blue and almost black. A few tiny gems adorned the bodice, giving it a real galaxy vibe.
"This will absolutely do," I murmured in admiration. I combed my (h/c) hair until it was just the way I liked it.
When I opened the door of my room, I deep down hoped to see Matt, but he wasn't there.

As I waited for Matt next to entrance, I saw a lot of people enter, from troopers to high officers.
Every single one of them wore either a  suit, tuxedo, jumpsuit or an impressive gown. The list went on and on.
A variety of clothing from different cultures, which only portrayed the extensive range of the First Order.
I waited... and waited, but Matt didn't show up.
Maybe he's just late, I'm sure he's going to come.
I decided to get inside, not wanting to miss out the fun.

Hux's organisation team hadn't saved time nor money. The plain First Order interior was turned into an ambiance worthy of festivities.
Small standing tables were scattered around, making enough place for a dance floor in the middle.
The theme seemed to be galaxy. Starlike lights adorned the halls and chiffon fabrics of black, white and indigo hung from the ceilings. Symbolising the elegant disorder space existed out of.
All with all, my dress fitted in perfectly.
In the front there was a small podium, the band members already on their spot.
Different kind of creatures and humans played various instruments, from saxophone to violin and instruments I had never heard of.
But my attention was drawn to Hux and Kylo Ren, who where now stationed upon the small podium.
Hux wore a three pieced suit, the usual black waistcoat and jacket, and white blouse. The red lapels were something of his own touch. He pulled the outfit off nicely. 
Kylo was draped in a hooded cape, giving away nothing of his outfit.
Does he really never put that mask off?
Everyone went silent and turned to the General.
"As you all, hopefully, know, this feast is in honour of our finished base. We worked very hard for this utmost admirable achievement. Soon our enemies will be crushed!" Hux cleared his throat. "But for now... enjoy."
After the "speech," I found my way to some fellow engineers, to compliment them on their exquisite outfits.
That was, until someone tapped my on shoulder.
Once I had turned around, a smile showed itself on my face, Matt.
Matt was wearing a high quality, all-black tuxedo, which complimented his amber eyes. He'd almost look chic, if not for the goggles and goofy curls.
"I knew you'd come! Cool bowtie by the way." I neatened his self-tied bowtie, gently pulling on each loop.
  What I didn't see was how Matt leaned in and looked at my lips, with a smile playing on his.
  That was, until I was done and made eye contact again.
Matt looked at the floor and shuffled his feet. "You don't- erhm... look bad, yourself. The colour suits you."
For anyone who didn't know Matt, it would have sounded like a hasty lie, but I knew he wasn't used to giving compliments. Learning takes time.
"Thank you Matt."
Suddenly the band started to play some kind of calm waltz music.
I wasn't sure, but Matt looked... hopeful. About to say something until he didn't.
Soon I realised why.
"May I interfere?" I recognised Hux's voice and turned around. "You look very charming tonight, (Y/n)." He complimented subtly.
"Thank you, sir."
Hux turned to Matt. "Aren't you one of our newest crew members? Glad to meet you, technician." He held out his hand.
Matt took it. "Nice to meet you in person, General."
I'm likely to be wrong, but their tones... they sounded...- I don't know. I'm probably just imagining things.
Hux offered his hand again, but this time in my direction. "May I have this dance?"
I looked at my company.
Matt's face rested in an unreadable appearance, his eyes could have been stone-cut.
I accepted Hux's hand.
He planted a small kiss on top of it.
"How could I say no?"

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