13. Big plans

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  Hux was very pleased with the blueprints. "Now we're finally done. A few matters need to be attended to and Star Killer base will be finished. The Supreme Leader will be contented to hear this... and all that because of you."
  The General sent me one of his unique and well preserved smiles.
  I felt my cheeks redden. "It's not just because of me, we have a whole team."
  A shiver went down my neck as Hux placed his gloved hand on my cheek.
  "That might be true, but we both know you did more than the rest. You designed most of the important blueprints for goodness sake. And you made it possible for me to have some rest, accelerating my work's quality and thereby the process. I think a reward is in place." Hux spoke with a voice that allowed no resistance.
  I felt nothing short of flattered.
  The ginger took place in his seat, thinking of a way to reward me.
  "Maybe you can organise some kind of feast, in honour of the finished base. Then all the staff gets some time off as well. May even lift the teamspirit."
  Hux nodded. "That might be just it... I'll announce it in an hour." He took his holopad, a ghastly white light reflected on his rather pale face, and began on the organisation of the celebration. Ever so proactive.
  "Just promise me one thing."
  Hux looked up from the device, amused.
  "That you'll have some fun too. You're one of those rare people who work until they can't..." I hesitated, my next words might count as treason. I said them anyway. "The Supreme Leader should be more grateful towards his General."
  Hux stood up from his seat.
  I expected the worst. Of course I shouldn't have said that. He was a General after all, one of the Leader's most trusted followers.
  But none of the horrible scenarios I had thought of, were anywhere close to reality.
  With utmost care and perfection, Hux placed a polite peck upon my cheek.
"That means more to me than you will ever understand." Hux's hushed tone whispered distinctly soft, a mere breath running along my cheek.
  He stepped back. "You're relieved of duties today, you've earned it."
  Even after having left his office, my cheeks were still a blazing red.

  On my way to who knows where, I heard voices coming from around the corner.
  "Hey, I ran into Kylo Ren in the bathroom. He told me to give you this."
  Peeking around the corner, I saw Matt, handing something like a letter to the same Lieutenant Colonel from the other day in the canteen.
  The Lieutenant read the card out loud. "After the rain," he opened the card, "comes the rainbow." The man's mouth turned downwards. "Sorry, I killed your son. Kylo."
Then I connected the dots.
On my way through Star Killer base, I had heard the patrolling stormtroopers talk about how the trooper son of the Lieutenant Colonel got killed.
And I had found a half dead stormtrooper, choked without traces. Force chocked. Kylo Ren had killed him.
Why did Kylo kill that trooper? One of his tantrums? Or because of what he did to Matt?
My train of thought was interrupted when the sound of footsteps came from around the corner.
There was nowhere I could go, so I decided to casually lean against the wall.
"Hey (Y/n), what are you doing?" Matt sounded... happy, relieved.
I tried to appear as nonchalant as possible. "Just leaning against a wall... you know, it's a technician thing."
*Mental facepalm*
"Oh ehh okay, good to know technicians do that..."
This is hella awkward.
I was saved by Hux's announcement through the intercom. "Tonight we will be hosting a feast, in honour of our finished base. You are expected to be in the to you designated area."
I couldn't suppress my smile as I thought of how Hux had really executed my idea.
"Why are you smiling?"
I turned back to the familiar blonde. "I was thinking about what I'm going to wear tonight. You're coming too, right?"
A dilemma found its way to Matt.
"Earth to Matt?"
Matt snapped up from his thoughts. "I'll try my best to be there."
My gaze met his, trying out my best puppy eyes. "Come on Matt. Don't try, just do. It will be fun, I promise." I gave him a quick hug. "Don't let me go to the party without my weird best friend."
Matt patted my back. "I won't..."

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