2. Unexpected help

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The next day I got the order to inspect the coordination towers on the outside of Star Killer base.
I had already inspected the first three, but as I neared the last tower, I saw small sparks. I made my small reparation ship go faster, this can't be good.
When I was close enough, I jumped on the tower platform. I opened the desk where the sparks came from. Immediately I noticed what was wrong, an important wire had snapped. I knew how to replace it, but I didn't have a spare wire with me, so I contacted the help-desk.
As soon as I pushed the communication button, I heard a familiar voice, Matt.
"How can I help you?"
I had to suppress myself from smiling because of his I-didn't-sign-up-for-this-tone. "Hi Matt. I need a 274X cable."
Matt's voice didn't sound as bored as first. "Hey (Y/n). Uhm.. what does this cable look like? I know everything is labelled, but there's so much being stored back here..."
I sighed, of course he didn't know where it was. I tried to recall where everything lay, I had worked there too, during the beginning of my career. "It's in the sixth hall, on your left, the middle of the third row."
  I heard loud noises on the other side of the intercom, he must have accidentally pushed something to the ground. Clumsy Matt.
  "Could you please hurry? I don't know how long this wire will hold."
  After a while I heard Matt's voice again. "Yes, yes, I'm sorry it took so long. I will be coming your way, what are your coordinates?"
  I looked at my holo-watch. "635-277." I heard Matt's footsteps, further and further away. Of course he forgot to turn the communicator off.

  It took Matt five minutes to arrive.
  In the meanwhile I had attached a conducting copper between the two broken ends of the wire.
  "Hey (Y/n). Here it is." Matt stepped on the platform, the floor shook.
  "Move slowly Matt, the platform isn't used to this amount of weight."
  Matt handed me the cable, luckily it was the right one. Matt watched as I removed the old wire and replaced it with a new one. "Aren't you afraid to electrify yourself?"
  I closed the desk again and stood up.
I tried to brush off the black marks the sparks had left, in vain. "I'll need a new uniform..." I mumbled to myself.
  When I noticed that Matt was still watching, I remembered his question. "Huh, no. We wear these so we don't get electrified." I showed him my rubber gloves.
  Matt nodded in understanding. "Smart,"
he concluded to himself.
  "Well, we would lose a lot of extra technicians if we don't act smart."
  Matt didn't react, instead he started to head back to his ship. As he walked, the platform started to shake heavily, he steadied himself onto the metal railing.
  I, however, had nothing to hold onto, so I started to slide down the slippery and frozen floor.
  Fortunately someone saved me before I fell, Matt. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the edge, I practically crashed against his chest.
  The radar technician's sudden strength was rather admirable to me.
  When I finally stood safely on the ship again, my shoulders relaxed.
  Matt stood in front of me, his hands around my forearms. When he realised he was still holding me, he stepped back.
  "Thank you, Matt."
  Matt pushed his glasses back, up his strong nose. "It's nothing."
  I shook my head, "no really, you saved me. Let me give you something in return, during dinner?"
  Matt turned around. "Ehm, uhm, I don't know." He stepped in his ship.
  "See you during dinner Matt."
  He started the engines of his ship and began to turn. Before he went off, he looked over his shoulder, "see you during dinner."

  "What a weird guy."

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