Nobility (AU)

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Nova was a lady with a mission. Infiltrate the kingdom of Gatlin on behalf of her uncle King Ace with the help of Anarchists, her uncle's secret guard. She would be the daughter of a duke from some far off province, Nova of Cathe, a cut off province. From there, she would bring the kingdom crumbling down.

The coach stopped and Nova's heart stopped pounding, the anxiety gripping her like an iron fist. Taking a few calm breaths, she stepped out in her bothersome dress. It was long and required some extra maneuvering on her part. Despite her clear effort, the fabric connected with  her shoe and she tripped.

As her body was about to collide with the pavement, she was caught hastily by a tall, dark, muscular teen. It was none another than Prince Adrian.

Her blood boiled at the sight of him smiling but she allowed him to help her. He was the son of her enemies, who had left her family at the hands of an assassin. Why him of all people had to catch her?

"Are you well, madame? You look unaccustomed to a dress so fine." Nova flinched at the comment, but did not deny the truth. She was much more accustomed to a tunic and pants, since Ace had never cared much for fancy clothes or parties like the likes of Gatlin.

Nova curtsied to Adrian. "Such finery is hardly affordable for my province,Your Highness. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Nova of Cathe."

Adrian bowed to her and kissed her hand gently. "Nova, you say? I am sorry for acting presumptuous. I mistook you for a peasant in lace. It is not often we get a visitor from the outer provinces. May I lead you to your quarters? We have been expecting you."

Nova followed him, slowly seeing the palace in all its glory. Along the way, Adrian would converse with the servants, a sight Nova had never seen previously. His manner was kind and civil, at the very least.

Leading her to the lavish quarters, Nova felt out of place. The room was obviously meant for someone else. Murals decorated the walls and the curtains revealed a breathtaking view. The bedspread was a silky light blue, matching the beautiful rug beneath the mahogany bed.

Turning to Adrian, she thanked him. "Thank you for escorting me to my quarters. I'm sure you have other princely duties to attend to. "

Adrian smiled and then gently kissed her hand. "Well, I couldn't simply let you wander the castle. Besides, the servants already have other things to do. The least I could do for a lovely girl such as yourself."

Nova, in spite of herself, blushed. Based on these few minutes with Prince Adrian, she assumed he was kind to everyone, but she couldn't remember the last time she was called lovely. He was so kind that Nova might regret becoming closer to him. She would regret betraying him more than the kings.

His compassion was obvious, something Nova had not seen in many princes, well, ever. Muscles and a sense for other nobility came easily to many princes, but Adrian showed his heart greeting his subjects, talking to his servants.

"I noticed your conversations with your servants. Do you always talk like that with them? It is odd behavior for someone of your status," Nova prodded.

Adrian clearly stiffened, like he was about to be scolded or even punished for his compassion. "Yes, I believe my subjects should be recognized as much as any human being. They are not lesser to us. I just happened to be born into a station perceived as higher. I cannot help that. They serve me with their labor and I do my best to reign as their Prince and one day I will be their king. Do you find any fault in that,Lady Nova," Adrian added defensively.

"On the contrary, it is comforting to see with someone who has compassion for others. Many princes would have a bit of brain, a head full of military strategy, and think of those who serve with contempt. Deviation from that is intriguing, which is refreshing. I hope to discuss more with you, Prince Adrian," Nova explained hurriedly.

The demeanor of Adrian softened as he became less defensive. "I'm glad that you feel that way, Lady Nova. Most ladies would not notice such things or be concerned with the newest trend in their kingdom. I'm glad you are not concerned with such frivolous trivialities. I must leave now, though I look forward to our next meeting. His bow was graceful and that of a prince, slightly but respectful.

When the door closed, Nova snagged into her bed with her head spinning. This would be harder than she thought. Her heart started fluttering thinking of Adrian, but her top priority was he revenge. A simple crush should not come in the way of her justice.

She would never regret exacting her justice on King Hugh Everhart and Simon Westwood, but hurting Adrian would be like stabbing herself in the chest. He was compassionate and polite and shouldn't have to pay for her past, not like the kings should. His involvement wouldn't make anything easier

Why did Nova Artino feel something for the Prince, of all people? Fate was cruel to her heart, destined to feel something that could never be. Someday, she would hurt them all, and her heart twisted at the thought of hurting him. She had known him for only a moment but her heart already felt drawn to his.

Renegade Oneshots (Nova x Adrian)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora