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Set After Supernova.

Adrian gazed out the windows of Headquarters. It was time to get to work. Walking down the stairs, he saw Nova coming towards him. Before Adrian could say hello, she pecked him on the cheek. After the Battle of Gatlon City, she had become a little more affectionate, but this was new.

"What has got you in such a good mood?" He asked.

Nova shrugged. "Can't a girlfriend kiss her boyfriend without suspicion?" Adrian's gaze held more curiosity as he glanced up and down at her attire. She wore civilian attire.

Leaning on, Nova's lips brushed his ear."Made a bet with Oscar and Ruby. You know nothing, okay? If anyone asks, this never happened." Adrian smiled and nodded.

He decided to kiss her passionately without hesitation. Nova's words were silenced by their kiss. Adrian had a habit of doing this to her right when it surprised her. Besides liking kissing Nova, he saw her soften up every time he did it.

Something about her physical touch was electrifying. Before anything else happened, a cough interrupted their intimacy. Oscar and Ruby stood there uncomfortably. " Wow Adrian, you're going to make Magpie puke." Oscar gestured at Magpie, whose disgust was obvious. "Save the love-dovey stuff for a less public spot, for the sake of my stomach. I can't beat Ruby in an eating contest if I puke it up watching you two flirt."

Adrian smiled and added," I think Ruby might stand a fair chance then. Snarfing down an entire pizza and three burritos is pretty hard to top." Oscar stood tall, while Ruby attempted to sneak fifty dollars to Nova.

A buzz informed Adrian of his meeting with the Council in five minutes. Excusing himself, he walked up to the large offices of his dads and their colleagues.

The Council took their seats when he walked into the room. It was a typical meeting, filled with simple pleasantries and updating the Council on his team's wellbeing. It was more common for them to do it now, due to pressure from Tamaya to make more reforms for labor, starting with fewer work hours and leading up to mental health.

After the meeting was concluded, Adrian went to leave. "Adrian!" Turning, Adrian saw Hugh walking towards him. "Walk with me. I need to discuss something with you concerning Nova."

Immediately, Adrian became curious. What would his dad want to talk with him about Nova? Surely, it wasn't their relationship. Both Simon and Hugh had been supportive of them dating and had even claimed that they had seen it coming weeks in advance.

"What is it,"  Adrian asked, managing not to tremble with anxiety. Hugh patted Adrian's shoulder reassuringly, trying to calm him down but Adrian's heart continued to beat furiously.

Sighing Hugh revealed, "We think we may have found Evie." Adrian looked at his dad in shock, wondering how that could be. Nova had seen her sister die. What did he mean she was still alive? Adrian knew that the subject of Nova's family was a tender one, especially after hearing from Hugh that her uncle, who she had looked up to, was the cause of their death.

"She survived the bullet and was raised by an orphanage not too far away from here. She assumed her family was dead, but we believe otherwise. We are going to ask both of them to submit to a DNA test but not reveal who the other is in case we are wrong. I know that the subject is a personal one for Nova so we are not revealing the reason for such a test," Hugh explained.

"You want me to convince her to do it," Adrian realized. Hugh nodded, looking at Adrian for an answer. "What you want me to say, that it's for an update for the Renegade files? It will not be easy convincing her."

Hugh looked at Adrian, then sighed. "I understand that you will want to tell her, but we can't yet. Getting her hopes up will make it worse in case we are wrong. Tell whatever lie that will be easiest to swallow for now and then let her know later."

Adrian looked at his father and then sighed. " I don't know Dad.  Would you ever lie to Pops like this?" Hugh looked at him and patted him on the shoulder.

"If it meant not breaking his heart, then, yes I would." Adrian looked at his father with resignation, then went to talk to Nova. 

Adrian found Nova, who was beating Ruby in a racing game that allowed you to race through a black and white movie, complete with blimps and trenchcoat-wearing private investigators. When the screen declared Nova the victor, she went up for a victory lap and went to greet Adrian.

Her eyes sparkled and Adrian looked at her with a smile. A few weeks ago, she had looked at him with unease and heartache. Now, she looked happy, which he hoped would stay, after this DNA test. "What's up," Nova inquired.

"Just thought I'd find you. The Council wanted me to talk to you. They need your permission and your DNA," Adrian talked nonchalantly but he was secretly crossing his fingers.

"Why?" Nova wondered, sounding more suspicious.

"New invention from upstairs, and you were willing to volunteer, right? I believe it's a DNA lock so only Renegades can access certain parts of the building. They need a test tube full of your spit or one of your hairs to be delivered upstairs or to be given to me. They thought you wouldn't mind doing it, but I can let them know--" Adrian lied tentatively but was cut off by Nova.

"No, it's fine. Who am I to block the progress of science? I'll give it to you later to take to them. Let me know how it goes, will you?" Nova replied, smiling.

"Will do," Adrian saluted and sighed with relief.

The DNA was delivered to the Council later that night and Nova received a message with a location and time, along with the message: You may bring Adrian.

"What is going on?" Nova interrogated Adrian, more anxious than she had been but a few moments before. Adrian looked apologetic but continued to stay cool under Nova's increasingly more temperamental questioning.

Finally, he sighed and said,"All I can tell you is that if this is what I have heard, your life will be changed forever." He stood up and left Nova with her thoughts.

Later that evening, Nova and Adrian approached the building.  Once they had made it in, Adrian and Nova grasped each other's hands with a strong grip.

"Nova, Adrian, welcome. I know you are both apprehensive so I will cut to the chase. Evie is not dead and she is a Renegade."

Adrian glanced at Nova, who was obviously in shock at the idea of her sister being alive after all these years. She had imagined a few times how old she would be, what she would look like, as she often told Adrian when the subject of her family came up. Her face turned serious when she asked, "Who?"

Instead of telling her, a bell was rung and Magpie shuffled in, obviously uncomfortable with Nova's teary stare. The glance between the two had so many mixed emotions.

"I thought you were dead," Nova said, not keeping in her emotions very well. Tears streamed down her cheeks freely. "I saw the bullet hit you and I never forgave myself. It was the one time I should have protected you."

Magpie looked down and muttered, "I thought you abandoned me because I was too much of a burden for you." Nova looked at Magpie with love, an emotion that Adrian had never seen her use towards the prodigy. Her gaze also showed her regret, but it was overcome by the joy radiating from the two and love that he had never felt looking between two sisters.

They had been two girls who had found a sanctuary with the Renegades to forget the death of their family, and the past that scarred them.

The hug the two girls shared was magical, and Adrian knew that Nova had a new love for her, just like the love the sisters had shared as children.

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