Ch. 21: The Truth Comes Out

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Ch. 21 – The Truth Comes out

“Cameron!” I yelled once I got back inside.

“Yeah?” He called from the living room.

I walked in there so I didn’t have to shout from the kitchen. “Hey kiddo. You want to go to the park?”

“Yeah!!” He fist pumped into the air.

I laughed at him and shook my head. “Alright. Uncle Brandon is going to meet us there.”

He jumped up out of his chair. “Sweet!!” He shouted again and took off to his room, probably to grab his shoes.

Brandon had managed to beat us to the park for once. Normally he’s the late one, this time he was early. “Well, what took you guys so long? Slow pokes!”

“Mom had to drive slow!!” Cam exaggerated.

He looked between the two of us, “Yeah, I know that’s not the truth. Your mom doesn’t know how to drive slow. She has one speed; fast!” Brandon laughed.

I rolled my eyes. “Shut up, B. Nobody cares.” I teased and started towards the benches that were off to the side of the park.

Cam took off from us and went and started to play. I was glad that it wasn’t really that hard for him to make friends. He was pretty outgoing. I guess he gets that from…oh. He’d have to get that from Zach then. I sighed just thinking about that. It’s going to be tough to remind myself that Zach is his dad. I’m so used to comparing his little things to Derek. “So, how’s Nelly?” I asked B just to get my mind off of things.

He grinned, “She’s good. We’re good.”

“This is what? How many months now that you two have been together?” I asked, shocked to hear that they were still a thing. That wasn’t usual with Brandon. He normally had some excuse as to why things had to be broken off.

He shrugged, “I’m not sure. You’d have to ask her.”

“Typical guy.” I mumbled, but of course he heard me and smacked me. “Owie!” I over dramatized; making a scene of rubbing my leg where he hit me.

“Oh, it didn’t hurt that bad.” He said.

“Anyway, it sounds like she’s a keeper. You’ve never lasted this long with someone before.” I pulled my legs up on the bench and looked at him, ready to hear what he has to say. I’m totally interested to know where this one is going.

He smirked, but I could see his face muscles trying to stop the smile that was forming. “She’s different than the others, you know?” He asked and looked at me. I nodded my head, telling him to go on. “I mean, everyone else has just always wanted everything for show…everything for looks. She’s not like that. She doesn’t care about the material things. She just likes it to be the two of us. She doesn’t even care what we do. We don’t have to go out to dinner all the time, or to the movies. Just as long as we spend time together doing something, even if it’s just chilling at the house watching TV or something, she’s cool with it. Not many chicks dig that.”

“I like her already.” I said and smiled at him. I was truly happy for him. I was glad he was getting a good girl this time. He really did always date those annoying girls that I hated so much, but couldn’t say anything because he seemed happy, but now I can see that he really is happy this time. It’s not some put on emotion. “She sounds like my kind of girl.”

“I’m glad you approve.” He smiled this time. “It scares me to think that I’ve fallen like this for her, though.” His smile turned into a slight frown.

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