Ch. 4: Therapy

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Ch. 4 – Therapy

I really love what I do. It was hard to get here, but once I did it was so worth it. I am a physical therapist and specialize in sports players. Whenever they get hurt, they come and see me and I get to massage their joints, or show them techniques to stretch and exercise their muscles to be able to get back into the game. I was just going on my lunch break when my boss stopped me. “Kelsey, hey, do you have anything open this afternoon?”

“Yeah, I believe so.” I smiled at her. “I think I have an opening right when I get off my lunch break. Go ahead and fill them in. What is it this time?”

“Baseball player with shoulder pain. My guess is that it will be a rotator cuff tear, but you’re our best therapist to help him out.” She smiled at me.

I nodded, “Thanks.”

With that, I walked out of the building and down the street to a little café that I go to almost every day. I couldn’t help it, though, it was close to where I worked and their food was amazing. The little bell rang when I walked in, signaling I was there, and I walked up and sat at the bar. “Hey Kelsey, same thing today?” Yes, I was a regular in here and I loved it.

“Sure, thanks Erin. that would be great.” I smiled at her. She was a sweet girl, probably around my age and we just seemed to get along really great from the first day I came here. That was another reason I loved coming here because she’s turned into a great friend of mine. Well, to me anyway. I don’t know if it’s the other way around, but oh well.

She walked over with my cup of Mt. Dew and sat it in front of me. “Here you go. Your cheeseburger will be right out in a few minutes.”

“Thanks girl.” I took a sip and then pulled out my phone from the pocket of my scrub top. I dialed in my mom’s number and waited for her to answer the phone.

“Hey Kels, how’s work?” She asked, sounding all chipper.

“It’s going great! I’ve thankfully had a full day today, so I’ve stayed pretty busy. Time is ticking by quickly for me.” Was I ever so thankful for that? Some days could just drag and linger on and it was annoying.

“That’s good to hear.” She sounded like she had a smile on her face.

I took another sip of my drink before asking, “How’s Cam?”

It was very convenient for me that my mom was able to watch him after school. He only had half days seeing as he’s only in kindergarten, and he can’t exactly just come to my work. I was so thankful for my mom and that she was here for me and to help me out. I don’t know what I would do without her. I’d have to probably hire a babysitter and that would just be an extra expense. Not that we were short on cash, but we weren’t overly loaded either. I got paid decently, but I still had to save my money for emergencies too, and with mom, she’s free so it all works out. Plus, she gets to see her grandson and she couldn’t be more proud.

“He’s doing just fine.” She said, and then I heard Cam faintly in the background.

“Is that my mom?” He asked.

“Sure is. You want to say hi?” Mom asked him.

I didn’t have to wait long before I heard his voice on the other end. I’m sure he grabbed the phone out of her hands. He liked to do that if someone was on the line who he wanted to talk to. “Mommy! Guess what?”

“What?” I asked with enthusiasm.

He sounded so excited, “I made you a surprise for when you get home!”

“Aww, thanks sweety. I can’t wait to see it.” I told him.

Just then, Erin brought out my food. I mouthed ‘thanks’ to her and she smiled and nodded. “Yeah!” Then I heard a sigh and his whole demeanor changed. “But, we also have a show and tell kind of thing tomorrow.”

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