Chapter 52

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Chapter Fifty Two

I'm only home for an hour before I hear my doorbell ring.

I pull it open to see Trace standing there, "Hey, you used the doorbell this time!"

It's a thing that they all do where they just barge into each other's houses without a welcome. It never bothered me, but I guess he's learning manners.

"Yea, I didn't know if you'd be here or not because you weren't at school today." he steps inside, I shut the door behind him.

"I know," I tell him and his eyes search my face for a moment. He's unsure of something, of me.

"Why weren't you at school?" he questions, eyes still analyzing my every move.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, he follows the movement.

He wants to know why I missed school. Dang it! I was afraid of this. I should've known that he'd ask, I should've prepared an answer ahead of time.

You mean a lie.



I didn't tell him I was going to visit Liam for a reason. I knew Trace wouldn't approve of me going to talk to him, especially without him.

He's not controlling but he has enough sense to know that me going to talk to a man that once stalked me as a hobby, isn't a great idea. I have enough to sense to know that too, which is why I brought Adalyn along.

Trace raises his eyebrows impatiently and I know it's time for me to answer.

You mean lie.

Shut up!

"I'm not feeling well," I start, "my head hurts. It might be the flu so you should probably get out of here before I get you sick too."

I really don't want him to leave. But I also don't want to have to lie to him like this and the longer he sticks around the more chances he'll have to ask questions regarding what I did all day and that'll just be more lies spilling from my lips.

He looks down, eyes softening, "What's wrong?"

"I think I might have the fl-"

"No," he interrupts, "I mean what's actually wrong. And why do you feel like you need to lie to me about it?"

How did he-?

There's no way Adalyn could've told him because she's been with me all day and now she's out with Lucas eating pizza. My mom always tells me I have a lying tick that's easy to miss if you don't pay close attention.

I've never caught onto it. But does that mean that Trace has? Does he pay good enough attention to notice a witty thing I do when I'm not telling the truth?

The thought warms my heart for a moment but I push those feelings aside. Now isn't the moment to be feeling romantic.

He's already caught you in the lie sweetie. You may as well tell him the truth.

"I'm not really sick." I state obviously and he nods once as if to say, 'yea, I'm aware.'

"I went to talk to Liam today."

His eyes widen, "You did what?"

"I went to tal-"

He groans, "I heard you the first time. I appreciate you trying to help but putting yourself in danger isn't going to do anybody any good, Ems. I can't let you get hurt. Going behind my back about it just proves that you knew it was stupid!"

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