Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

The weather outside is beautiful as the sun begins setting in the distance. It's August so in Tennessee that means the weather is perfect temperature for outdoor activities. There's a slight breeze that's blowing through my hair but isn't making me cold, just refreshed.

Sadie loves going on walks and I think I love them just as much. It's an opportunity for the two of us to get out and do something with the outside world. I get so caught up in daily things that I often forget to appreciate the beauty of consistency. The sun rising and setting everyday is beauty in itself and there are times when stopping to realize that can impact your life.

We get to the end of my street and a kid I recognize see's me. It's a boy I used to babysit two years ago. He's grown up a lot since then and if I'm doing my math correctly it's because he's twelve now. I used to babysit a ten year old version of him with a crooked smile and goofy brown hair that flipped over his eyes.

"Emma?" he questions from his mailbox and a grin grows on his face.

"Hey, Drew. You've gotten older." I say dumbly and he laughs.

"That typically happens as time passes."

He's surprised to see me. I never got to say goodbye to him personally, just his mother when I told her I wouldn't be available anymore.

I was fourteen when I babysat him and we were only four years apart so we became close. He grew to be a friend of mine even though he was the goofy ten year old down my street. He's a sweet kid and if there's anything I'll never forget about Drew it's his kindness.

"Why are you back in town? Mom said you moved to California."

"I moved to live with my dad for a little while." he nods in understanding and I like how he already knows where I'm coming from without me having to explain myself. He was there when my parents filed a divorce and he helped talk me through it. He was mature for a ten year old and he was also very understanding. His parents are still happily married but he was able to put himself in my shoes long enough to be supportive and help. He wasn't just a kid I babysat but a friend.

It's good having an old friend to talk to. I've been moving so much recently that not many of those still exist and it sucks. I took my friends for granted and never realized how much they meant until they were thirty two hours away.

Sadie brings us out of our catching up by barking at something. I bend down to pet her and try to calm her down but it doesn't work. She bolts forward and manages to get free of my hold.

I wasn't expecting her to try and run off like that so my grip on the leash wasn't tight enough to stop her.

"I'll help you find her." Drew says quickly and I shake my head.

His parents won't know where he went and although I don't babysit him anymore I do still try to look out for him. His mother would freak if she couldn't find him anymore, especially since she's the overprotective type who barely lets him cross the parking lot without holding his hand.

Drew knows what I'm not saying and he nods once to let me know he'll stay behind.

I dart across the street in the direction Sadie went. My feet pound against the concrete and I feel like if I go any faster I would become a blur to people sitting on their porches.

Even going as fast as I possibly can, Sadie is still undoubtedly faster and I know it.

As I run, there's a blaring noise that floats through the quiet streets. The farther I run, the louder it gets. Sadie must've heard it from Drew's house but it wasn't loud enough for the human ear to pick it up.

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