Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Trace's POV

Emma hesitates to open the door and I suddenly realize why. She's scared. She doesn't know what's behind the door or what condition her dad will really be in and she's scared to find out.

"Do you want to wait a minute?" I ask and she looks up at me with her gentle, innocent eyes.

Her eyes search my face frantically and I'd give anything to know what she's thinking in times like these. Where she stares at me but doesn't say anything, keeping her features buried.

There are a few things that I've been able to pick up on. Like how when she's nervous she twists her ring or how even when you wouldn't know it, she's always in deep thought.

I've noticed how when she lies her voice gets a little higher but you'll only be able to notice if you listen closely, which I do. She has all of my attention constantly.

She shakes her head and turns the doorknob but never opens it until her eyes meet mine with a confident smile as she realizes she's ready. I smile back and give her a small nod, telling her I'll wait while she see's her dad. She seems to know what I'm saying even though I'm not using words. That simple observation puts a smile on my face.

A beautiful grin breaks out on her face before she even passes the threshold and I smile wider at her happiness.

The door closes back automatically and I lean against the wall, willing to wait as long as I need to for Emma to finish talking to her dad.

My mind begins to wander as I think about everything that's happened these past few days.

When I walked out of the field house and saw Emma crying it was like I had been punched in the gut. I was eager to do anything I could to help and then I was given the opportunity.

She's come to mean a lot to me over the past two months that I've known her and I love that. I'm not sure what it means but Emma isn't like the other girls. She's different in the best way possible and I find myself enjoying her presence.

That first night when I saw her sleeping in my car and I knew I had to get a motel room I was happy, but not for the obvious reason. Sure, she's beautiful. But she's so much more than looks and I was glad to just be able to spend the night in her company.

Seeing her the next morning in a towel sent so many thoughts through my head and my imagination went wild. Her body is amazing even though I haven't even seen it all. Every curve she has makes me want to strip her down and have my way with her.

But I can't.

Emma isn't mine and I choose to have more respect for her than this.

She was standing in front of me in a towel with water running down her bare legs and all I wanted to do was throw her into the bed. But I couldn't. She was making me want her so bad and I don't want to want her like that until I'm sure what wanting her really means.

I don't like the idea of wanting her for lust. I need to want her for a reason, something more and meaningful but I'm not sure I'm there.

It's no secret that she means a lot to me, that since the day I saved her from a lunatic in the parking lot I've felt this urgent need to keep her safe and care for her. I've been doing the best I can to do just that and somewhere along the way she became more to me.

When I heard Cole talking about how he fucked her it drove me mad and I wanted more than anything to smash his face in and I would have done a lot more if her calming voice didn't pull me from my crazy state.

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