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Chapter 3
Nyx's POV

Ever since my forbidden placement on this goddess forsaken world there's only one thing I haven't been able to control and that's my anger. Alas, I don't blame myself; I am a result of a love considered impossible after all. I concluded that Luna was trying to prove a point on how powerful she is to the other deities by knotting my parents together.

It might have been wonderful for them but we bear the consequences of their love.

As I was returning from my meeting with the unknown mate last night, my paws hitting the earth on full blast my wolf and beast saw it as the right moment to fight with me. Both of them wanted to be in control.

They started from the inside out, pushing me back to their place so they take mine. I fought at that idea since I know how primal and feral they both are, act first then think later. Since I was in my wolf form it was quite easy for Elena to overpower me. As I forced myself to run further from my mate my heart started beating erratically. It wasn't long til my bones realigned as an unprepared painful shift coursed through me. The pain evoked an aching roar inside me and I came into an abrupt halt falling on my knees. My beast and wolf fought, sending an agonizing rush of pain in every part of my body.

Naked and shivering, I fell on the leafy grass clutching my stomach and biting my lip to supress another thunderous scream. My throat burned while tears streamed down my face blinding my vision while I weakly tried to gain control in my misery but failing as two powerful species wanted it.

They wanted their mate, pining for him in this short span of inhaling him.

The power of the bond became salient as I writhed in utter agony, clutching on whatever's in my way. My naked body felt dirty and sweaty, I didn't know where to focus at. I felt another scream at the pit of my throat threatening to come out and sadly at my weakened state I couldn't fight it. Both of them released their own yowl of pain, I did as well. My bones cracked while I slept there begging them to stop. Soon fur replaced skin.

For a second I feared my beast's strength and in that moment I was sure that not even magic can hold her back. Surprisingly whatever these diamonds are made of is strong, if she had taken control I'd be a marked female now considering how primal she is. The tension from the constant shift wore me out and I passed out in the woods, or wherever I was.

I don't know who found me or in what state I was in but I woke up in the pack hospital held by heavy chains, there was a short distance between them and I still I could feel them threatening burn me if I dare move.

An hour after I've woken up Emma was the first person to come see me. The air around her felt regal, powerful and it had a dark aura around her making me believe that she's in tune with her magic. On her face a scowl of confusion resided. I was trying so hard not to yell at her to remove these chains. Sensing her anger I looked at her from the corners of my eyes trying to channel my beasts energy but whatever dose they gave me worked in numbing both her but not my wolf, or else I'd be out of these chains. "What happened?" She asked taking a step closer to me, her tone was oddly different and hefty. Gone was the meek Emma. The more I looked at her, the more questions stormed my mind.

"Angry." I grunted while trying to borrow my beasts strength, just a bit to help me get out of the chains. I feel confined and I don't like that. The alpha in me doesn't like it, not one bit.

"About?" My body slumped on the bed in exhaustion, I'm not ready to admit it so I decided to shun the question. "Let's just drop it, I'm fine."

Feral MatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora