111 Lines of Dialogue That Will Crush Your Readers' Souls

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"She's not yours."

"I didn't mean for things to go this far. I swear."

"Please, not now."

"You were ready to leave me for her."

"There is no us. There never was."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"If lies keep spewing from those lips, I'm walking out that door"

"Shut up."

"Are you ever going to listen?"

"Don't leave me. Don't you dare leave me."

"You know for a fact that wasn't supposed to happen."

"Sort yourself out first."

"Shhh. I know."

"Why did you choose me?" "You know very well why, [name]."

"Hear me out." "Why the heck should I listen to you?"

"Don't listen to them."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't leave."

"Why are you being like this?"

"You do realize that we're locked in, right?"

"Why am I always the one carrying you?"

"Is there a reason your knees are shaking and your hand is squeezing mine like there's no tomorrow?"

"And if I don't?"

"If you don't want to talk about what happened, fine. Whatever. Just say so. Don't lie and say everything's fine."

"I said, I don't know anything."

"Stop staring at me."

"Call me that one more time. See what happens."

"Put some clothes on! For the love of God!"

"That was last time. I'm serious this time."

"It's pitch black in here, and I can see you're blushing."

"Is your ego really that big?"

"No, wait!"

"I don't need you."

"Hold me."

"Don't shut me out."

"I can't take this anymore."

"Tell me a story."

"Leave. Before we wake up regretting what we've done."

"All he ever did was use you. Why can't you see that?"

"You think this will make me stay?"

"You thought this was real?"

"My mom asked about you again."

"Drugs are the only constant in my life."

"He already knows."

"I was doing fine. Really, and then you dance back in like you didn't break my heart."

"You're married?"

"You deserve so much better."

"He's a player, and he's never going to treat you better than this."

"H-how long?"

"We need to understand that we did love each other, but that wasn't enough."

"I'm sorry."

"You left. What did you expect me to do?"

"You still wear my hoodie?"

"I'm too sober for this"

"How did you imagine our future together?"

"That was supposed to be me, not him."

"I didn't have a choice."


"His finger was right on the trigger, but he wasn't fast enough."

"Leave him and marry me."

"It's okay if you have to go."

"I needed closure."

"Always and forever."

"The last thing I said was for him to never come back."

"You always cared more about her than you ever did about me."

"You had a kid and decided to walk out. You don't get to call the shots around here."

"I screwed up."

"I fell for you."

"You've changed."

"They're your best friend before anything else."

"I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?"

"He already boarded the plane. We're too late."

"Do you two still talk?"

"That look in his eyes. That was enough to tell me he didn't feel the same anymore."

"Who the heck abandons someone they 'love'?"

"The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you messed up."

"Meet me upstairs in 10."

"One more chance."

"It doesn't have to be that way. Come with me."

"We're gonna get you out."

"I don't love you."

"Let it all out babe, just let it all out."

"We need to talk."

"Do you treat all your hookups like this?"

"You were my everything."

"It was my fault. I know it was my fault."

"I thought things were good, but how delusional was I?"

"Why now?"

"You're never seeing either of us again."

"Trust you? You don't know the meaning of the word."

"You made me feel loved and wanted and for that, I'll always love you."

"Please don't forget me."

"We got away with it."

"She's lost without you."

"Don't you get it? I'm in love with you and it scares the heck out of me."

"I want to be alone."

"D-did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?"

"Why do you always have to send me mixed signals."

"The world was too cruel for us."

"Step out that door, and I swear we're done."

"What right did you have to keep it from me?"

"Running seems to be all you're good at."

"What the frick is it that's so funny?"

"It's not your fault."

"I-I left my stuff here."

"We aren't even in the same book, let alone the same page."

"I don't want to live in a world where I'm not with you."

"Your hair still looks so good."

"Waste the day and spend the night."

"You say this is what you want, but your eyes are telling me a different story."

"Murder was a part of the agenda for today."

"Hurry up before we regret it."

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