Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

As Grant, his Da and Andrew descended into the great hall, they noticed Ian greeting guests.   A man and two younger boys, not sons though for the gentleman looked much too old to be their father.    All three of them paused at the base of the steps to see who their guests were.

"Dougal dinna alert the castle of the guests," Andrew said annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest, looking towards the stairs to the watch tower.

"Aye," Grant mumbled, just as annoyed, as he looked in the same direction as his brother.

"God's blood," Angus grinned as he looked towards Ian shaking hands with the older gentleman.   "I havna seen Archie perhaps in ten years or so."

A commotion started as Dougal ran down the stairs from the watch tower at a neck breaking speed and then ran and bowed in front his Laird.    "Laird Angus," he breathed deeply, still trying to catch his breath.   "Tis guests, but I dinna sound the alarm for Sir Ian waved me off.   He was in the courtyard when they approached."

"Dinna fret Dougal," Angus said ruffling the lad's hair.  "Ye done well.  Tis no enemy that has entered my castle, tis Laird Archibald Ferguson."

Angus started walking towards his guests, Andrew and Grant just followed behind him.   If their Da knew who their guest was, they weren't about to worry themselves.

"Archie," Angus said grinning, walking up to the man, holding his hand out to him.

"Angus," Archie smiled up at his long time friend.  "Ye still look like a young strapping lad, tis been too long my friend."   Archie grabbed his hand and then pulled Angus into an affectionate embrace.

"Aye," Angus agreed with him, standing back and cupping the man's shoulder.  "Far too long.  What bring ye to the highlands?"

"Twas visiting with my daughter, she lives about a half day's ride from here," Archie smiled.   "Twas in your village, I dinna even know twas McKenna land that I was upon until I asked about a healer.  I was told to head up to the castle that perhaps Lady McKenna would help out my grandson."

Angus frowned as he looked down towards the two younger lads.  The youngest one was cradling his arm against his chest.    Angus knelt down beside the youngest one, "May I?" he asked the lad as he gently took the boys hand and attempted to look at what was wrong.

A few tears started to fall down the boy's cheek and Angus made sure to take extra care when he pulled up the lad's sleeves.    A wound there was, several inches long, it was festering and by looking up at the lad, Angus presumed that he already has a fever.

Standing up now, Angus bellowed to the sentries by the castles doors, "Fetch Lady McKenna at once."   One of the sentries just nodded at their Laird's command and left the castle.

Archie stepped closer to inspect his grandson's wound as well.   "Jesu Niall," Archie said angrily.  "Twas just yesterday that ye let me see your wound, tis festering now."

"Dinna worry so Archie," Angus reassured him.  "Lady McKenna, she will see to the lad.   Ye might have to spend a bit of time visiting though.  It seems as though he's begun a fever from the festering."

"Aye," Archie said looking at his grandson.  "Tis flushed his face is.   I should of paid more attention to the lad, but twas saying that he was just fine, he was."

"Here, allow me to introduce my sons Archie," Angus turned and motioned his boys forward.  "Ye have met Ian already, he's my second.  This is Andrew, my heir, and my youngest Grant."

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