Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The morning sunlight filtering through the window was casting a soft glow on Kathryn's porcelain skin.   She was sleeping peacefully on her side, her hair fanning her pillow, her hands cupped underneath her face.   Grant was behind her, awake and leaning upon his elbow staring down at his beautiful wife.  

He started tracing with the tips of his fingers on the freckles that went across her shoulders and down her back.    He promised that he would kiss each and everyone and he made good on his promise the night before.   He drove Kathryn mad with his butterfly kisses, pinning her down on her belly and caressing each and every inch of her with his lips.

He looked around their chamber and knew that they needed to leave it today.   They've been their chamber for three days.  Three days of making love, three days of whispering into the wee hours of the morn, three days of never dressing.  Only Grant put on his plaid to answer their door when food arrived or servants came to fill the tub so that they could bathe.

Only once did Grant leave their chamber, while Kathryn bathed the morning after their wedding night.   He gathered up the linen sheets off their bed and headed down to the great hall where everyone was most likely breaking their fast.   He didn't bother making his appearance neat and tidy, he wasn't staying.  

The children had already eaten and were running around, all his family, Gavin and Evelyn were still at the table.  Gavin stood as Grant approached, thinking that someone was wrong, perhaps with his sister.

"Kathryn?" Gavin questioned Grant as he stood mere feet away from him.

"She is well," Grant told him back smirking.  "She is bathing as we speak."

Grant held open the linen sheet which displayed Kathryn's innocence on it that Grant rightfully took the night before.    Gasps were heard from the women, his Da held a sly look on his face and just sat back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest.    Andrew nodded to Grant, Ian did as well.  Gavin looked shocked, for he wasn't expecting this at all from Grant.

"Ye have all witnessed me showing ye the sheets from our wedding eve," Grant told them all.   He took the sheet and folded it up and tossed them to Gavin.   "For your Da," Grant grunted out.  "Twill nae be questions asked about the consummation of our marriage."  He turned and started walking out of the hall.

He stopped as he got to the bottom of the stairs, he turned towards his family and it didn't surprise him that they were all still staring at him.   "She is mine Gavin," Grant hissed out as he made eye contact with his brother-in-law.   When Gavin nodded back his answer, Grant took off up the stairs and went back to his wife.

She started to stir in his arms, his feather-light touches were awakening her, which was exactly what Grant wanted for he was already hard and wanting his wife.    Pulling her closer to him, Grant rubbed his erect manhood in the cleft of her bottom.    She turned to him now, her eyes clouded with desire and Grant groaned when she reached over and brought his mouth down to hers.

They were both hungry for each other.  Their desires never waning the entire time they have been in their chamber.   The need for closeness, the need for loving each came often.    They made love slowly, sensually, taking their time getting to know each and every inch of their bodies.    Other times their love making was frantic, on the rug in front of the fire, in the chair, up against the castle wall.  When Grant wanted her, he didn't ask, he took and he made his wife out to be a wanton vixen because she ended up taking as much as Grant did.

Kathryn slyly grinning, fully turning towards him as she quickly sat up pushing Grant onto his back.  Straddling him, she kept him down by pushing onto his shoulders.   Her long glorious hair made a curtain of silk around them blocking out the rays of the sun.   "Good morn love," she whispered huskily in his ear.   She nipped and then sucked his lobe into her mouth as Grant squirmed beneath her.   She rubbed the tips of her breasts on his chest, loving the feel of Grant's coarse hair as they scraped her nipples.

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