85. Real thing

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The little lights were there, in her big brown eyes. I felt them, if that was possible, dancing and laughing and jumping around. It must've been the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen: her, smiling so brightly, her curls a mess, flying everywhere because she moved all the time. She was laughing at Luis, head thrown back, letting go in that way only she seemed to be able to. I just stared at her, taking it all in, trying to process it all.

That she wanted to be with me.

That one day, she would be my wife.

How the hell did I get this lucky?

She let out a last giggle, and I had to pull her close again, wrapping my arms around her waist, burying my face in her hair. Damn, that tempting scent of hers... It made me somewhat light-headed, or maybe it was the kiss she left on my cheek, or maybe her body against mine. Strange, how on the flight to JFK I could only focus on my mission, repeating the words I had to say over and over again in my mind until I was exhausted, and now, I could probably stay awake for a week without a problem.

I did it.

I said everything I'd wanted to say ever since she returned, and she felt the same.

Could it be that easy?

She wiggled out of my embrace. I blamed it on the newness of this, but it took all of me not to drag her right back to me. She reached into the crib, and little Luis grabbed her by her neck, babbling cheerfully. "I'm sorry, querido," she said, sitting back down next to me. "You probably didn't want to see all that, hey? What about I give you to tía Valentina?" She pressed her lips to his forehead, then smiled at me, and my heart skipped a beat, not for the first time that day.

Yes. Give him to Valentina. Sounded like a smart idea. Then I could kiss her again, without having to stop, without ever going too far, because she was my girlfriend, or I guess maybe even fiancée, and how that word didn't scare me but only seemed to make the little lights dance even wilder, I didn't know, and I didn't care either.

Before I could say anything, the door was thrown open. She startled, I felt her flinch, saw her grip on Luis' tightening. Valentina barged in like we'd accidentally summoned her, clad in a bathrobe, a towel wrapped around her head. "Did someone say my name?" she called out. Without waiting for an answer, she leaned forward to inspect the ring, as if she'd known it was there.

She probably did.

Wouldn't surprise me if she'd been listening with her ear pressed to the door.

There was a dramatic cry, and June startled a second time. "Honey, is that an engagement ring? Are you getting married?"

"Calm down, Vale, you're scaring Luis..."

She was. The little guy was covering his ears with his hands, glaring up at the offender with a sulky lip. Seemed like she didn't care at the moment. She lifted the boy from June's lap, and unceremoniously placed him in mine — shit. I was holding a baby. I'd done it before, mostly during the time I'd volunteered at the community center, though no one had ever put me on the spot like this. He gazed up at me with large brown eyes, his mouth wide open, and no idea if it was his name or if there was a real resemblance, but something about him reminded me of Mr. Guevara. It was bizzarre, and still, I wondered if maybe, this was his way of saying he was okay with it all.

Yeah, bizarre.

Valentina had snatched June's left hand, examining the ring from up close, like it was a diamond. Judging by the exaggerated sounds of excitement she produced, she was impressed. "You're going to have to hire me as a wedding planner. I'm expensive," she rambled. "I'm thinking the venue will have to be a castle of some sort. Wait, is it going to be in New York or California?"

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