14. Us

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If there was anything I wasn't expecting, it was to see Valentina standing there, cursing quietly, laden with bags, dressed in a short skirt I hadn't seen before. At first, I thought I was imagining it. I'd been so distraught by seeing the JFK sign on the information board, I'd convinced myself she was walking out to greet me.

But she was there.

She was really there.

I didn't understand how — or why — or any of it — but she was there, and I could finally hug her again, after seven months of phone calls and Skype conversations. I was so happy my whole body was shaking, and I was crying and smiling at once, and I didn't know it was possible to feel this grateful.

"June! Look, look, look! Isn't he cute? I swear I've already seen ten hot guys, and we haven't even left the airport!"

I didn't really care what she was saying. I wasn't even jealous when she kissed Nathan on both cheeks, I didn't even tease Sam when she did the same to him and he turned as red as the bra strap escaping from underneath her shirt. And when she told me she was staying for ten days, ten days, I could've jumped up to touch the sky.

Mom and dad were just as thrilled to see her. Dad even had tears leaking from his eyes, and he wasn't able to stop them. While mom had pretended Nathan and Sam had nothing to with this, I'd seen dad thanking Nathan so extensively the poor guy hadn't known what to do. I didn't need words though, he could see it in my eyes, I knew he could. This was more than I'd deserved, and I didn't know it was possible to feel so lucky that maybe, maybe mom should've called me Felicia after all.

Dad took us all out to dinner, his treat. Sam obviously felt uncomfortable in the modest restaurant he had chosen, but Nathan seemed relaxed, laughing almost as much as Valentina.

"Vale!" I'd said, roaring with laughter so much my stomach was hurting. "Leave that poor waiter alone, won't you? I thought you were here for me, not to find yourself another heart to break!"

Mom had scowled. "Eres igualita a tu madre!"

"I've missed you too, tía Romina," Valentina had said, and even mom couldn't help but smile.

While Valentina continued to flirt with our waiter, out of pure rebellion, I realized she was a Jennifer too when it came to boys. Everyone thought she looked beautiful; guys and girls alike had fallen for her body alone, but most had never tried to see past it. Suddenly, I understood why she preferred the ones who treated me normally. At least, that was some kind of criteria to judge a person's character by.

"So, I'm thinking we have to go to the beach, June. I don't know if people surf this time of year, but I definitely want to try — oh, and I have a present for you, one of my old bikinis, it doesn't fit anymore — yes, yes, don't worry, it's perfectly modest, really, what do you think of me, Romina? — June, there's this really famous castle here, Hearst Castle, it's supposed to be amazing — we should definitely go see it..."

I didn't really care what she wanted to do. As long as I had her by my side the whole ten days, I'd do anything. It was only now she was finally sitting next to me I realized the full extent to which I'd missed her. Yeah, Sam was great, and Nathan was as well, but neither of them would want to discuss with me how much my period pains hurt, or how pathetic teenage boys looked when they grew themselves a flimsy excuse for a mustache.

A chilly breeze played with Valentina's and my hair as we left the restaurant, me recounting a story to Nathan and Sam about how she and I had run away together when we were little to go see Belvedere Castle. Valentina and I were laughing so hard I was barely able to get the words out. Automatically, I followed Nathan to the Mercedes.

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