82. Princess

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I couldn't keep my hands still. I'd already hurt myself because of it, accidentally, by scratching my arm, welling up a drop of blood. So now I just held the fabric of my dress, squeezing it that hard I was going to leave wrinkles.

In a minute, I'd be arriving at Albert and Will's place, and Nathan would be there. Waiting for me? Would he tell me he loved me again?

I hadn't slept at all that night, not with Hayley snoring and those three words echoing through my mind, asking me what I wanted, what I was going to do. But secretly, I knew. My anger was subsiding — I'd never been good at holding onto it — and Charlotte, well, if he really meant it, he could do something about that.

He could prove it. He could prove it, and be freed of that manipulative bitch, and then —

I tried not to think of it. I'd imagined it so many times, though now, so close to actually having it, it scared the shit out of me.

Having everything you ever wished for. What was that like?

"Ya llegamos, señorita," the Uber driver said.

We were there. This was it.

"Gracias, señor."

I took a deep breath and opened the door, immediately being met with the sweet spring warmth of today. Perfect party weather, Hayley had said this morning as she was doing my hair, pretending to not have noticed my nervousness. I hadn't told her what happened — that'd make it real, and she would definitely not understand, and I would've had to admit I was acting irrationally. I hadn't been ready for that. Maybe I still wasn't.

I stepped out of the car. The sky-blue dress Hayley lent me fell down my legs, all the way to my ankles, sneakily hiding the fact I was wearing my old trainers. It was a little tight at my chest, though Hayley had squealed I looked beautiful and would definitely steal the show.

I didn't really want to steal the show.

Maybe just a heart, if I was ready to be that honest. And give one in return.

The thought unleashed a soft sea breeze in my stomach, and I clutched my purse tighter, trying to stay in control of my body. I looked up, for the first time noticing the house in front of me. It was in the familiar Mediterranean style, with only one story and traditional orange-reddish roof, palm trees and fuchsias surrounding it. Probably Will's taste. Somehow, I didn't see Albert going for something this homely.

The driveway was long, and from here, I wasn't able to look inside, especially since the windows were obscured by trees. But I'd spotted his car, that ridiculous Lexus, at the beginning of the street — all because of me. I was the one who'd once pointed out there was no need for him to park so close to whatever his destination was: he could walk fine. For some reason, he'd never gone against me whenever I said things like that, just complied like it was an actual written law.

Why did I get mad at him again, yesterday?

I couldn't really remember, though I wanted to, wanted to have a reason, be in the right — or maybe it was okay sometimes to be mad and not exactly know why.

And maybe it was also okay sometimes to let go of that anger and not exactly know why.

Contrary to the past week, I wasn't falling down the hill anymore — I was rising up, and my stomach lurched nervously with every inch.

I was going to have to go in, and face Nathan.

Face the future, good or bad.

Just then, right when I was about to force myself to march up the driveway, the sound of a car coming down the street stopped me in my tracks. Another rich person, judging by the model. For some reason, I kept watching, waiting to see who would step out, almost like I knew.

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