19. warmth of her

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5:45 pm

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5:45 pm

Jacob's POV.

She's so beautiful

This is probably creepy, but I'm watching her sleep. She looks so peaceful, despite the shit that's happened to her.

The shit I had no idea about cause I figured her life was easier then mine. The shit I added onto her by hurting her. She didn't deserve that. Naya doesn't deserve none of it. Her heart is too pure. She's too good.

I ball my hands into fists at the thought of that 'man' touching her. Now that I know, I won't let anything like that happen to her again.

After what happened at school, I took her back to my place and made sure to let her brother know where she was. She was knocked out the whole time from all that crying and bs the principal put her through. asshole

I sigh heavily and slip under the silk sheets with her, pulling her body closer to mine.

"He's not gonna get away with it Naya and that's a promise."


11 pm
Anaya's POV.

My eyes fluttered open, blinking a couple times. Where am I? I move around trying to get comfortable again to notice I'm laying on someone's chest.

I lift my head to look down and notice half my body is on Jay. His lips were parted slightly with little snores escaping them and his face was still a bit bruised but he looked at peace.

I turn to the flashing lights in my peripheral vision. His tv was on playing the new version of Power-puff Girls. It didn't look all that great.

"I'm sorry."

I look back to notice that Jay is awake and staring at me with sincere eyes.

"I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did. I was controlled with anger and I know that doesn't excuse what I did, but I promise it will never happen again."

His eyes searched mine looking for an answer and I replied, "it's okay Jay. I forgive you."

We stare at each other for a minute before he begins to slowly lean in. So close I can smell a hint of cigarettes in his breath. Our moment is cut short by a loud knock on the bedroom door.

"Jacob! Mom wants you, says she hasn't seen you all day."

I hear Jay curse under his breath and look away embarrassingly. He slides out from underneath me and slips on his jeans.

"I'll be right back." He exits the room leaving me once again engulfed in darkness. I feel around the night stand for the switch to the lamp. Once on, I glance around his room and this is the first time I'm seeing it this messy.

I get up to notice I'm wearing an oversized T-shirt and boxers. I know this boy did not change me out of my clothes. I sigh and check my phone. A message from my brother checking up on me and two missed calls from...my mother? and one call from an unknown number.

What the hell did she want?


Jacobs POV.

I made my way back up to my bedroom after that pointless conversation with my mom. All she does is ask questions like are you staying focused in school? Are you still getting into fights at school? Do you still smoke....at school?

Well if you were around more often then you would know.

I walked into the room to find Naya sprawled across my bed. My eyes lingered over her body. God she was fine and my boxers looked tight as fuck on her. One leg was raised a bit revealing her plump butt. Probably think I'm perverted, but I'm admiring how perfect she is to me. Out of all the girls I've been with, none of them compare.

I walk over to my window cracking it a bit, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it . I'm not sure where I got the habit from, but I tried it once when I was 12 and never put it down since. Those were stressful times.

"You shouldn't smoke Jay." I peer behind me to see Nay was now up and making her way over before taking a seat beside me. "It's bad for your health."

I chuckle and put the cig out on the window sill. At this point she's wasting my cigs.

We sit for a moment. She stares out the window, humming lowly to herself and I once again can't help but stare at her. Her coils are up in a bun revealing her structured face...her plump lips. She was effortlessly beautiful. How could someone so beautiful suffer so much?

"Why are you staring at me?"

Without even thinking, my lips pressed against hers. She didn't respond at first, which made me nervous, but soon she tangled her fingers into my hair and kissed me back.

Her fingers tugged on the strands of my hair as my tongue ran across her lower lip. Her mouth was so warm and her lips softer than I ever imagined. I've never felt so many feelings all at once while kissing someone; it was different and overwhelming.

"Jay," she moaned into mouth which caused the bulge in my pants to jump. She was twirling a strand of my hair, kissing me sweetly and rhythmically. I pulled my lips away and attached it to her warm neck, sucking and biting at the sensitive skin, while a hand gripped her hip.

My tongue glides across her neck searching for a spot when I hear a gasp.

Found it

I latch on and begin sucking causing her hand to fly up and find it's way to the back of my neck pulling me closer.

"I'm getting carried away..." I mutter before pulling away. Her little moans were making me hard.

I look up to notice a disappointed look in her eyes and her face was flushed.

I smirked and leaned in so that my lips were by her ear, "Had to stop baby girl. I'm so tempted to fuck you right here," I then captured her ear lobe with my teeth and tugged on it.

And with that I got up and headed straight to the bathroom to take care of business.

Ouu this chapter a lil spicyyyy 🥵

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