22. get to know you

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(:long chapter!)

(:long chapter!)

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Anaya's POV.
Dec 23rd, 5:45am

After a long cold night, the sunrise brought glimmers of warmth. It was early asf in the morning, but Jay and I were getting an early start on the road to Louisiana. That's where his families designer, Miss Bellerose lives. I had already told my brother about it & he was skeptical on letting me go on a trip with a boy, but he trusts me. I also need to keep in contact regularly, make sure my location is on and he put a AirTag in my bag. This trip is only for a night so that Miss Bellerose can get our measurements, material choices and ideas.

Sean hasn't been at the motel in a couple of days. He says he met a girl and has been staying with her. It's giving leech, but okay. Tay also has been hanging around her "boyfriend" more often so she's forgotten about me. She hasn't posted anything on social media, but she tells me that he takes her on shopping sprees, pays for her hair/nails, basically whatever she wants. Tay probably got herself a young sugar daddy.

"Do you want anything from inside?"

I put my thoughts to the side to notice we had stopped at a 7-11. Jay had on Nike shorts and and a wife beater, he looked good. Not unusual. I watched as he got out the charger, placed the nozzle into the car and selected premium. Oh he got moneyyy.

"Anaya. I'm going inside, what do you want?"

I roll my eyes at the annoyance in his tone, "just a pineapple soda and dorito nachos pls"

"alright." he closes the drivers side door and saunters inside.

I can't believe I'm going to Louisiana to get a masquerade ball fit custom made. How freaking cool is that?! Never thought at 16 years old, this is what I would be doing. Getting ready to play princess for a night.

"they had some goldfish, so I got you that too." he places the snacks onto my lap and removes the gas pump from the car. he remembered

"Thank you," I reply while ripping the bag open.

Once again we're back on the road. I read the highway signs and noticed we were 5 miles out from New Orleans. We passed a few palm trees and small neighborhoods on the way. It all looked so peaceful. There were beignet cafes and tall buildings with balconies wrapped around them. The only places I've ever been were New York and ATL. Nola felt like a dream.

"My brothers Benjamin, Noah and Vincent should be at the house already. We can go unwind, get sumn to eat and then go see Bellerose."

"Great cus I could eat." I reply triumphantly. He turns toward me smiling before looking back at the road. Jay is very mature for his age. He planned this trip out and drove us 5 hrs to New Orleans.

We pulled up to a stoned brown gate that required a passcode to enter. Once Jay punched the codes in , the rustic gates opened to reveal a huge Spanish villa. Stone walls, stone floors, wood-like ceilings and spanish decor. It was beautiful, it seems like it's been around a long time.

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