Chapter 6

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I woke up feeling tired. I kept waking up during the night because I thought the noises were animals but ended up just being leaves moving around because of the wind.

I got up, stretched a bit and walked down to the river. I washed my face to wake myself up and drank some water to have some energy to walk some more.

Once I finished, I went on my way to find help. Surely there was someone around here but first I needed to get out of the woods. I decided to walk a random way and nearly gave up on trying to escape this place until i saw an opening a bit far from where I was. I was so happy!

I ran and ran because I was excited to leave the woods. I got out and breathed some air. But my joy was cut short when I noticed a familiar black car parked on the side. Oh no.

Luca is here.

I moved back while looking at the car trying to go back inside the woods when my back hit something hard. I felt whatever the hard thing was behind me and I felt an arm. He was right behind me. My breathing was ragged cause I didn't know if I would escape this time if he caught me.

"My little Luna." He whispered right next to my ear.

I gasped and was about to move away when he grabbed my arm and held me in place with his mouth right next to my ear.

"You've been a very naughty girl." He whispered again and pulled my hair to one side leaving my neck exposed to him. I tried to move away once again but he had a solid grip on my arm.

His mouth wasn't close to my ear anymore. "Still trying to escape, are we? I thought we gave up on that since I caught you two times." He mocked.

"And I told you I will keep trying to leave until I am free from you." I spoke back.

His mouth came close to my ear again.
"Then you will have to be punished each time you do it. You already did it two times so I guess you have to be punished two times now." He whispered.

My eyes widened and I was going to say something when I felt his lips on my neck. He kissed my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I didn't like this.


He kissed going down then up really slowly. I gasped when he started to suck my skin. It felt good and I hated for feeling this way.

I noticed his grip on my arm was gone. He was distracted!

I elbowed him even though it wouldn't affect him and ran back into the woods.

"Luna, come back here!" He called out and ran after me.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed at him and kept running.

I looked back and saw that he was behind me but I didn't stop running. How did he find me?! It's not making any sense. It's like he knew exactly where I was.


I ran zig zags to lose him and turned around to see he wasn't there. I saw a big bush and went to hide there until I made sure he wasn't near.

I was peeking through the bushes and saw him stop and take out his phone. He looked down at the screen and started walking towards my direction. He put his phone back in his pocket.

He was walking towards me but how did he know I was hiding here?

I got up and started walking backwards and saw him part the bush. We made eye contact and he slowly started to walk towards me.

"Remember what I said about leaving me. You get punished. Now sweetheart, if you don't want to get punished, you better not run again." He said.

I don't want to get punished. I don't even know what he will do to me. But I don't want to stay and find out.

I ran away from him again. I was so tired from not eating food and hardly having any sleep so I was running slower.

Luca grabbed my arm and turned me around. I didn't notice the large branch sticking from the ground so I tripped and fell on my back with Luca on top of me. Ouch that hurt!

I tried to get out of his hold but he was still on top of me and he weighed a lot.

"I like this position." He said smiling down at me.

"Get off of me!" I yelled while moving around.

He grabbed me, rolled over and swapped our positions with me on top of him. He was still grabbing on to my arms.

"Oh Luna. I didn't know you liked being on top." I felt so embarrassed. He saw me blushing and laughed.

He stopped laughing and was staring at my face. I started to feel self conscious.

"You're so beautiful."

"And you're a psychopath."

He laughed again.

He swapped our positions again.

"I hate it when you leave me like that. Once we get home, I'm going to lock you up in that house and make sure you will never escape again." He said.

He got off of me and pulled me up.

I tried to run again but he pulled me forward. My back hit his chest and he pulled something out of his pocket.

It was a chloroform rag.

My eyes widened.

"Please, don't do this." I begged him.

"We can't have you running away again now, can we?" He said and put the rag on my face.

I held my breath and tried to get out of his hold but he was too strong.

"Don't fight it."

I couldn't hold my breath anymore otherwise I would have passed out so I had no choice but to breathe in.

"That's a good girl." He said.

He let go of me and I was about to hit the floor when he caught me and picked me up. He carried me bridal style to the car.

My eyes felt droopy and I couldn't fight it anymore. Just as my eyes were about to shut, I looked up at him.

"I hate you." I whispered to him and then I fell into darkness.


I haven't edited any chapters. I'll be doing that after this book is finished.


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