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I'm so so sorry guys. No, I'm not dead. I was busy writing a series of exams and had barely any time to myself but I'm here now!!! Enjoy 💞💞

My first lazy thought as I slowly woke up was

It was of nice of Tola to put me on her bed.

My head was pounding so I savoured the feel of the warm duvet on me, the sun shinin-

My eyes snapped open.

Tola didn't own a duvet; she preferred to wear layers of clothes to bed rather than actually cover her body and she never opened the blinds.

This wasn't Tola's room.

I sat up in bed; grunting when the full force of the headache hit me, and looked around the room.

It was massive and furnished with items I could swear were recently featured in a magazine. The rich, dark drapes were drawn aside, revealing huge bay windows which was where the sunlight was streaming in through.

I spotted my blonde wig splayed on an armchair at the far corner of the room and last night's events flashed through my head and I cringed. Why had I allowed Tola to talk me into doing that? Especially on my first day of work.


Today was my first day and the sun definitely wasn't telling me I would win most punctual employee.  I sprang up out of the bed. Only to go back and take the duvet to cover my body when I noticed I was not wearing anything but my underwear.

I pulled on my dress which I found folded on the same chair my wig was on, grabbed my heels and ran out of the room. I halted outside the door trying to figure out how to get the hell out of there.

I spotted a flight of stairs and sprinted; as fast as I could with a splitting headache, towards them.

I tripped and fell twice on the stairs

Stupid spiral staircases

Right at the bottom of the stairs was a massive oak framed glass door. Through it, I saw a long driveway with trees planted on both sides and beyond that the gate.

I pulled the door, praying it wasn't locked.

That's the kind of shit that somehow always happens to me.

It opened. Huh.

I ran down the driveway. It was so early in the morning yet I could feel sweat pooling in my armpits.

Who the hell makes their driveway so long??

"I guess they expected people would be...you know...driving down the driveway" My subconscious mocked.

The huge, black, wrought iron gate at the end of the driveway mercifully had a smaller pedestrian gate next to it which for some reason was open.

Huh my luck is turning around.

And just as I got out, a taxi just happened to be cruising past.

If I had been in a normal state of mind I would have thought it all very weird but


I hopped in the back and gave him Tola's address.


I rushed into the elevator after spending 10 minutes while the bitchy receptionist confirmed if I was supposed to be there.

I tried to catch my breath in the elevator, already feeling very clammy. I took a shower that didn't deserve to be called a shower. I didn't have time to blow dry my hair so it felt thin and stringy around my shoulders.

I inhaled and exhaled. I was an hour and a half late on my freaking first day!!

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. I ran my fingers through my hair one last time and walked out.

Everything was as they were the last time I was there. Except nobody was behind the table outside his door.

I had just dropped my bag on the table when an intercom on the table buzzed and his voice came through.

"Miss Ash, come to my office" there was a pause "Immediately"

I gulped.

I walked briskly over to his door then I paused; do I knock? I mean he already knows I'm coming but then what if he wasn't expecting me to come so soon? Nah he said immediately, so that means- Oh what the hell?

I pushed open the door and he came into view. He was sitting behind his desk in a grey suit. His eyes caught me off guard even though I should be used to them by now.

And now those eyes were hardened and settled on me. I gulped again.

"Miss Ash, I don't tolerate a lot of things but I certainly don't tolerate slackers." Pause "Are you a slacker, Miss Ash?"

Oooooo somebody's in troublllleeee 😂😂

I know it's not much, people. I'll make it up to you I promise ❤❤😘😘

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