trapped (continued)

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part two of part nine (nobell!)

this was mostly written at 1 am so just bear with me 

Nova ran as fast as she could away from HQ, but the Renegades were following close behind. She turned the corner and hid in the shadows of an alley, watching as her pursuers passed.

"Hey," a voice murmured from behind her.

Nova yelped and spun around, ready to fight the figure sneaking up behind her. "Nova! You're fine, it's me." Nova relaxed, before squinting up at Danna.

"Why did you do that?"

Danna's face softened, and she reached for Nova's hand, lacing their fingers together. Nova stared down at their hands, a blush spreading across her face.

"Hey, look at me." Danna cupped Nova's cheek with her other hand, forcing Nova to look her in the eyes. "Don't listen to what they said. Genissa was lying. You're not a villain. If anything, you're more of a victim than she is, with the whole quarantine thing. The Anarchists have manipulated you your whole life, you've just never seen it, but I'm going to show everyone that you are not the villain they've made you out to be."

Nova gulped, her gaze skipping from Danna's eyes to her lips. She was far too close for comfort, and Nova's face was heating up, her hands starting to sweat. Not looking at Danna, she pulled her hand out of Danna's grasp and turned away.

"Thank you, Danna. I need to go. You're not going to want to be around me when they find us."

"Hey," Danna whispered, grabbing her hand. "Wait." She pulled Nova closer, until their toes were only a couple inches away. Danna grabbed Nova's other hand, looking down at her. Glancing down at her lips, Danna leaned down, brushing their lips together, and even though they barely touched, it still sent a sharp current flooding throughout Nova's body. Danna pulled back, worry written across her face.

"I'm sorry—I shouldn't have—" Nova reached up on her tiptoes and brought her lips back to Danna's. The kiss stayed sweet and slow, for after all, who would find them? It was only Danna and Nova in the world. They were untouchable.

"Hey!" a sharp voice rang out from the entrance to the alley. "I've found them!"

Nova tore herself away from Danna and grabbed her hand, whispering "run" in her ear and pulling her out of the alley, away from their pursuers. She laughed as they ran, and Danna gave her a strange look. Nova shrugged, putting on a new burst of speed, pulling ahead of Danna, who chuckled in exasperation and burst into her swarm, quickly catching up to Nova. 

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