Chapter 14

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I have been updating daily and I am impressed with myself. I am currently procrastinating on my two essays and test due tomorrow to write this. Wish me luck!


It's been a week since I last saw my mate,

A week since my escape from the castle and quitting being a maid.

It's been rather difficult. Having been near my mate for about two weeks strengthened our bond a little. It just makes me want to run after him and jump into his arms. I have to be really careful too.

My wolf is fighting me for control every minute of the day to go be with her mate. I can never let my guard down. It's been rather exhausting lately too. I can't even run around to cool off. When I am in my wolf form, it is easier for my wolf to get control. I have to fight her even more, so I avoid shifting. It really is a pity because I love running in wolf form with my wolf in control without a care in the world.

Sabrina has been another really great supporter of mine along with Moira. They just recently found out. Sabrina is really the best, very funny too. She knows just what I need. I haven't seen any of my family since the incident in my office. I am rather glad too. Mom would have brought up the issue of mates and my wolf would have lashed out,


Someone knocks on the door of my office and I call out, "Come in!"

Laurine is the one who entered, "Hey, Boss. I need a favor."

I shut my computer, "What is it?"

She walks over to my desk and leans on it, "I am on patrol today, but my kids just got in trouble at school. I need to go get them."

I stand up, "Sure, it will do me some good. When and what patrol do you have?"

Laurine smiles, "Thanks, I have the Northwest border in ten minutes."

I give her a smile back, "No problem."

I run quickly over to our border. It is the one that is next to No Man's Land, so we have to be careful. Sometimes we find rogues to join the Organization, but some are just too far gone to be saved. Their wolf has complete control and they are feral. This border also touches some pack lands. They don't know we are here at all, so we have to be careful about that too.

I take this time to think about the Organization, my parents, my mess that is my mate bond. It is a good time for reflection. I had a couple projects going. I wanted to make the twins Jack and Jason to see the point in living. The past week here has been hard on them. I don't think they actually expected to survive the escape. Without the presence of their mate, they are seriously suicidal. I really hope they find a second chance mate. He would be what could save them.

At the border, I salute the group of guards I am relieving. Laurine and I are really good fighters, so we usually take individual guard shifts. I do both most of the time, I am not picky. I start jogging the border in human form. I will only shift when I start to feel tired, usually half way through the patrol.

Soon enough, I reach that point. I strip and shift into my wolf. She is beautiful like me. It has been a pretty peaceful day. Nothing has come by, not the slightest rogue. I am happy for that. My wolf has even put up less of a fight than usual. I really wished it was like this every day.

I run down the border and through the forest. I love the feeling of freedom, the feeling of the wind running through my fur. The feeling is addicting and I wish I could feel like that every day even in my human form. 

The peace was not meant to last. I just wanted it to last longer. The first hint that something off was the usual sounds of the forest went silent. That meant a bigger predator was nearby, or a big group of one. Bad news for me!

I crouch down in a defensive posture. I internally curse myself for forgetting my guns. That's just awful and stupid. I let out a warning growl and someone else lets out on of their own.

Several someones.

At least twenty five.


I can't die now! Still so much to do, people to piss off, and hell to raise. 

I raise my hackles, getting ready to pounce. The moment I see the first wolf, I jump. I immediately rip his throat out, making sure he can't come back up. I turn around in time to dodge a second wolf's attack. I lunge and I get a grip on the back of his neck. He attempts to shake me off, but fails. I manage to throw him into a tree.

Go me!

I face my twenty three more opponents. Lovely, more people to join in on the fun! I have to fight differently than usual. In wolf form fights, most of the time, I let my wolf fight, but if I do that now, she would go to our mate. Can't let that happen!

Another one dead, just 21 to go!

Twinkle, twinkle little star, I wanna hit you with my car. Throw you off a tree real high, hope you fall on your neck and die. Twinkle twinkle little star, your life will not go too far.

Call me sadistic, but that is what is going through my head right now. I hum along to it as I fight. I am doing pretty well, but I am injured. One got a good slash on my stomach, one caught my paw, my neck is sore from displacing a wolf's grip. Besides, that I am all good.

That's one more dead, 13 to go!

Yeah, who am I kidding? This is going badly really badly. I am a good fighter as a human, but I cannot take out that man wolves by myself. I grimace as I realize what I will have to do to win this fight. I will have to give my wolf control.

I guess I will see my mate sooner than expected. Shit, shit, mcshitty, shit! I still attempt to fight. One wolf grabs unto my shoulder which is bleeding from an earlier attack. I try to shake him off, but it doesn't work. I sigh, this is when I have to release my wolf. 

I make my choice, my life or having to see my mate again. I don't know about you, but I am rather attached to my life. I take a deep breathe and hand over the control of my body to my primal instincts. I take the back seat in my own fucking mind!

I watch as my wolf beautifully kills all the remaining wolves. She hasn't even bothered to call it in yet and she probably won't. Right now, the only thing my wolf wants to do is be with her mate. I bet she is just going to ignore our injuries which are pretty bad.

I was right. My wolf gallops in direction of the castle. We use the same way that we got out last time to get in. There is a small hole in the patrols. My wolf runs faster, smelling our mate. It really is an enchanting smell. I guess it's what supposed to attract mates together after all.

When we arrive at the edge of the house. My wolf shifts into human form, but still doesn't give me back control. She climbs the wall smoothly as I watch from inside my head. Not fun at all! Alec's smell is becoming stronger and stronger. My wolf pops open a window and climbs in, right into my mate's fucking bedroom!

I immediately fight even more for control. All my wolf does is the metaphorical hit on the head. I am helpless and can only watch as my wolf approaches my mate's side. She curls up next to him and goes to sleep.

I am back in control, but I am too injured to move. Damn that wolf for not healing my wounds. I feel my mate stretch and wrap his arms around me. He is still asleep as far as I can see. I can't move and decide the best thing to do is to sleep.

Which I do. All my problems can wait until morning,


Word Count: 1451

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