Chapter 3

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Emma's P.O.V.




What the fuck is that noise! And who is waking me up this early in the morning? Do they have a death wish? Everyone knows that I am not a morning person.

I stretch and slowly open my eyes, only to snap them shut again. The light was too fucking bright! 

I hear someone call, "She's awake!" with the tell-tale sound of footsteps.

I grumble, "No shit, sherlock!" My voice sounds scratchy, like it hadn't been used in a while. It was only then that all of my memories kicked back in.

A recon mission, Alpha King, mate, shit!

I bolted up and observed the room I was in. It appears to be a hospital room, no one was here though. I quickly took inventory of everything in here. I had a needle, obviously pumping me with something. I quickly took it off, stopping the blood with a cotton ball.

I got up, a little dizzy but nothing I couldn't handle. I limp over to the window and look down. It appears I am only two floors up, I can make such a jump. I open the windows with no noise and crouch at the edge.

I am about to jump when a voice spoke, "Stop!"

I turn to see who it was. Who did they think they are to stop my escape attempt? I make eye contact with the intruder, the very hot intruder. I take a deep breath to calm myself and I am overwhelmed by his scent.

Oh shit, this must be my mate! Double shit, this is the Alpha King! Can't a girl catch a break?

I retort, "Why should I?"

He takes a step towards me, "Because you are my mate."

I shrug, "So. . ."

He takes another step forward, "Because you will be caught before you take another step after you jump."

I consider his answer. He is right, I know that. But I really don't want to stay with the man who swore to kill me. Even if, he doesn't know who I truly am, it is only a matter of time.

But what other option do I have? I get down from the windowsill and return to my bed. I could take this time to spy on him. It is even better than a recon mission, I could get the information right from the source!

My mate, whom I still don't know the name, says, "Thank you for staying. What is your name, mate?"

I open my house to reply Emma, but stop short. He knows that the leader of the Smith Organization is called Emma. He might not make the connection, but as the Alpha King, he might. I cannot take that chance.

I flip the question, "What is your name, mate?"

Unlike me, the great Alpha King answers, "Alec."

I stare at him open-mouthed. The Alpha Kings of our generation never gave their name to anyone. Everyone was forced to call them Alpha King as a sign of respect. He must trust me a great deal to tell me his name.

Alec chuckles, "You might want to close your mouth, it might catch flies. You are my mate, you should know my name. Any chance you'll return the favor?" Nope, none at all. If you knew who I am, you would kill me. 

I smile at him, "Laura." My little sister wouldn't mind me stealing her name.

Alec smiled back, "You don't have to tell me, but don't lie mate." Fuck, I am caught.

I turn away, "You can't blame me. All my life as a rogue I have heard rumors of the fearsome Alpha King who kills any rogue in his past."

Alec approaches me, "You have nothing to fear from me, mate-" Somehow if you knew the truth, I doubt that. "-But if you knew the rumors, why were you near my border?"

I rack my brain. What to tell him? A believable lie, Alec has already proved an ability to tell if I lie. What about a half-truth?

I brush Alec's hand off of my shoulder, "I needed information on you to give to the Smith Organization to be let in with a higher status."

At the mention of the Organization, I can feel Alec's anger grow more and more with each word I say. Oh fuck, he must really hate us.

Eventually, Alec explodes, "That fucking Organization ruins everything! I have hated since the day it was born. It is useless. It kidnapped my brother and my prisoners! It shouldn't exist! Soon I will make sure it doesn't!"

His chest is heaving up and down, overcome by emotion. I can never tell him my identity, I am not sure that even with me being his mate would overcome his anger. Alec has never looked this furious. What am I saying, I met the dude two minutes ago. Damn this fucking mate bond!

At the end of his outburst, Alec looks ashamed at his loss of control and I do something instinctively, I hug him. He is shocked, but eventually hugs me back.

Alec murmurs in my ear, "I am sorry about that. It was not considerate of me with you being a recent rogue."

I cannot stay here, but I still feel guilty to snoop and run. I disengage our hug first and stand around awkwardly. What are we to do now?

I tell him, "Tell me more about you, I know nothing."

Alec grins at me and I almost forgot the violent man who I saw. I know now that this smiling Alpha King is just a mask for the crazy one, a mask he wears to trick his mate.

He sits on my bed, "Let's play twenty questions."

I sit down next to him, getting to know my mate and enemy wouldn't hurt, "Sure. You start!"

Alec exaggerates his thinking, "Your real name?"

I shake my head, "Laura, and now you wasted one question. My turn! What is your family like?"

The mood turned sour as Alec frowned, "My father was always very regal with everyone. My mother died in childbirth and my father died a year ago. I have an uncle, Frank, who is power hungry. I used to have a brother, Leon, but he was taken by the Organization."

I try to lighten the mood, "Your turn!"

He takes my hand, "What about your family?" I freeze, I really don't want to lie to him again about who I am.

Luckily, Alec realizes something is wrong, "It's fine, you don't have to tell me."

I retort, "My turn again, favorite color?"

Most of the game was peaceful, asking each other silly questions. I had one question left and I have still learned nothing of his plans to kill my Organization. One last chance to figure it out.

I ask, "Alec, if you don't mind me asking, what did you mean when you said that you were going to stop the Organization from existing?"

Alec doesn't answer and I wonder if I pushed too far. Maybe he isn't ready to trust me so much, I wouldn't. I had been a rogue not even a day before and now I want him to tell me his most guarded plans. 

Alec sighed, "I'll give you the barest details. My people are planning an attack really soon on the main base to cut them off from the source."

I gasp and try to play it off as a cough. Luckily, Alec ignored it as he is lost in thought. I look out the window and notice that night has fallen.

I question Alec, "How long was I out?"

It took him a while to reply, "About a day. You woke up around 4 and we caught you around 8 the night before."

I shrug, "I am still tired and I am going to head to bed."

Alec kisses me on the forehead and leave. I am happy he didn't insist on staying him me. In fact, I have no desire or need to sleep. I needed to find his plans. I might be starting to love my mate, but my family will always come first.

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