Chapter 10 - My Love

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Chapter 10 

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I cannot cry.

“ You can do this, Annabeth. “ I looked into the mirror and mumbled. I took out a pen and a paper napkin in the bathroom and wrote down some notes. I walked out of the bathroom and saw the same waiter who smiled at me passing by.

“ Excuse me? “ I asked. He turned around and smiled brightly when he saw my face.

“ Yes, ma’am? May I help you?  “ He approached me.

“ Can you pass this note to the guy sitting over there? “ I said, pointing at Colton who was waiting impatiently.

“ Sure, ma’am. Are you alright? You don’t look very well. “ He asked, showing concern.

“ I’m fine. Please pass it to him and tell him I’m sorry. Thank you. “ I quickly shoved the note onto his hand and walked to the elevator. 

I need to leave. I cannot face him anymore. Because I wouldn’t be able to control my tears if I see him, knowing he’s never gonna be mine.

Colton’s POV

What is Anna doing in the bathroom. She’s been gone for too long. Is she alright?

“ Sir? “ A voice called out beside me.

“ What? “ I asked with frustration.

“ She asked me to pass you this note. “ The waiter, who smiled at Anna earlier, passed me the paper napkin.

“ Who? “ I asked, before opening it.

“ The ma’am whom you brought here just now. “ He replied. I quickly opened the paper napkin and read the words written there.

‘ I’m not feeling very well. I’m going home now. I’m sorry. I really am. '

What the hell is she thinking?! 

“ Where is she? “ I muttered, trying to control my anger.

“ She went that way. “ He said, pointing at the elevator door that was closing already.

“ Damn it! “ I stood up and went after her. 

Anna’s POV

I sighed as the cold weather wind hit my face. I turned around and looked at the building that I’ve just exited a few minutes ago – The Global. She is right. Colton is not the same anymore. We live in two different worlds. I’m just a high school student. I can do nothing to help him. Colton needs someone who can help him beside him. Not me. I continued walking until I heard someone calling out for me from the back. I turned around and realised it was Colton who has been calling for me. I shook my head and increased my pace, and ended up running. Suddenly, two big arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

“ Why are you running away from me? “ Colton breathed heavily, his breathe hitting my neck.

“ Let me go. “ I mumbled quietly.

“ What? “ He asked and placed his face beside mine as he hugged me tightly from the back.

“ I said… Let me go! “ I yelled loudly and shoved his hands away from my waist. Colton stumbled backwards and stared at me with a stun face.

“ What happened, Anna? Are you not feeling well? Tell me what’s wrong. “ He gathered himself and then started to approach me.

“ Stop. “ I pointed at him and stepped back a few steps. “ Don’t come any closer. Please. “ I begged as tears started streaming down my cheeks. I can’t hold it in anymore. I love this man so much.

“ Anna. “ I could see it in his eyes. Hurt, adoration and love.

“ We don’t belong together. “ I sobbed.

“ What do you mean? Why? Anna, I thought I’ve made it clear that this topic is no longer up for discussion anymore. “ He said, a glint of anger in his eyes now.

“ We’re from two totally different worlds. I’m just a high school girl. “ I said, softly hitting my own chest. “ And you… “ I choked.

“ Anna… “ He said warningly, his eyes telling me to stop talking or else, he’ll snap.

“ I don’t belong in your world. “ I said. That made him lose control. He quickly approached me and pulled me into his embrace.

“ Let me go! “ I tried to push him away but that only made his grip tighter.

“ Anna, stop struggling or I’ll bring you home and tie you on my bed so we could talk this out. “ He warned. I suddenly stopped struggling or moving.

“ You’re getting engaged soon. Why are you tormenting me like this? “ I cried and mumbled through his shirts. 

“ What? “ Finally, he pulled away and looked at me. “ What are you talking about, love? “ He asked again and wiped my tears away with his thumbs.

“ Olivia. You’re getting engaged soon. “

“ No, I’m not. “ He raised his eyebrows and looked at me with amusement.

“ Olivia told me that your grandpa would never accept me. That he will never like me. And that he’s planning your engagement with Olivia soon. “ I hiccupped. He chuckled and sighed in relief.

“ Love, that isn’t going to happen. Ever. I’ve talked it out with that old man of mine and he agreed to let me marry any woman I love. “ He explained. “ I’m so sorry you have to hear that from Olivia. I rejected their marriage proposal long time ago. “

“ But I can’t do anything. You need a woman who can stay by your side and help you out. I… “ He cut me off.

“ I don’t need anyone’s help. I only need you beside me. You just have to stay with me and love me with all you’ve got. That’s all I need from you, Annabeth. “ He explained. That was the sweetest thing he had ever said to me. Colton is always so sweet.

“ Can you do that for me? “ He grinned widely. Gosh, his smile. How can I say no to that smile. I slowly nodded and smiled.

“ That’s my girl. “ He patted my head like a little girl and covering my freezing hands with his big warm hands.

“ Feeling better now? “ He asked as he rubbed my hands. I nodded and gave him my best smile. He suddenly smashed his lips on mine; his kiss held so much love and passion as I brushed my fingers in his hair and granted him entrance. His tongue slid in and caressed mine. I pulled away after that, wanting to take my breath.

“ I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw you walking out from the door tonight. You took my breath away, my Anna. “ He looked into my eyes with so much love and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

That night, we did not return to the restaurant because Colton did not want me to bump into Olivia again. We went to the diner located near my house. Even though it wasn’t an expensive dinner but I enjoyed my date with Colton. We walked around hand in hand to the park after our dinner and talked about so many things. He told me everything about him and Olivia – How his grandpa wanted to pair the both of them up but failed as Colton only saw her as his sister; and that his grandpa wanted to meet me in person because Colton has been non-stop talking about me all the time.

I hope his grandpa likes me. I want to be in Colton’s life. He came back for me after all these years. The least I can do is try to make things work between us and to accept this new Colton.

A/N : Hello! I know the chapters that I've uploaded are very short. But please bear with me as I am very busy with my uni's homework and my assignments. Besides, my finals are coming soon. But I'll definitely still update. Sorry if all the chapters are very short and not detailed enough. :/

Much love always,


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