127 - Helena and Jesmaine's First Part

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Jesmaine's Point Of View

Today once more I am locked up in a castle like a bird in a gilded cage. I have an entire wing at the castle for myself like a huge luxury apartment, and maids there to get me anything I need and watch over me. There is always guards outside my room, and I even have at least two tattletale ghostly handmaidens that tell Jacques what I do and when I try to sneak off. It isn't an understatement to say there is an entire security team dedicated to 'keep me safe'... when actually they're just there to keep me from running off.

After Jacques had demanded my hand in marriage two years ago, he also demanded that I was relocated from my family to the castle. It was practically kidnapping. It wasn't really out of the blue though, since he had always insisted to escort me around for parties and even burst into conversations I had with other girls in private. He probably had ghostly spies stalk me even back then.

On the day that I was to leave for the castle my mother had hugged me close. When I was first reborn into Headal I was worried everyone were going to be mean or entitled with how Jesmaine had been in the story and Headal had been evil, lying and warmongering.

They were all really kind. It was a warm family and my two new older brothers always made me smile. In turn I'd make things for them and they always lit up in smiles when I gave them handmade presents. Father and mother did too. They always praised my cooking as well when I snuck down into the kitchen to bake for them. They were warm and kind, and our tea parties were always pleasant. Mother even read fairytales for me until I turned ten. The original Jesmaine loved them.

I had not been ready to leave them, but it was politics. It would be good for our family and you couldn't say no to royalty.

My mother had smiled at me with tears in her eyes, saying everything would be alright. She told me over and over to get along with the crown prince and said he'd make sure I had a good life ahead of me. My father had this look of relief for most of the time, and only spoke to me harshly once as he told me not to get on the crown prince's bad side. Both of my older brothers had nodded and told me to be a good wife... but there is no way I was ready for that, especially not with someone that is practically a stalker throwing accusations at others to make himself look good.

Whenever he broke into a conversation between me and someone else it was always with the excuse that they had been trying to use me, and since he was the prince they always lowered their head and scurried off.

I lost more friends than I've had in my previous life because of him. After the accusations they would always stay away from me, and some would even give small nasty looks. He isolated me... and now I am locked up in this gilded cage called a castle.


At the castle, every handmaiden has been fully vetted and carefully chosen to the point they felt nervous about being around me, and I think the guards were the same. I know this because I managed to make friends with one of the maids and she told me about it. Getting the position was for them a very honorable post and very important politically as well. My handmaidens has been chosen by their pedigree, their loyalty, their habits and their personality... and even now the maids are still patted down by the head maid every morning.

It's obsessive.

No matter how you look at it, this isn't normal. They had me isolated and quickly prevented me from leaving my wing of the castle. I am not even allowed outdoors unless I can convince all the guards it is a good idea, or ask Jacques.

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