53 - Scars and Truths - Part 1

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I napped for about half an hour before I woke up again. Our beloved Heroine should be just about done unpacking all her sweet little decorations that remind her of her mother, her home and her friends. I suppose she would've had a conversation with Helena as well just to doub-


Why did she ask me about Augustus when she has Helena right next to her? Helena should know that 'Augustus' is not on the academy records...

I end up getting off the bed with a little jolt. Claire didn't waste a moment on asking me... so she should have asked Helena. A part of Helena's introduction was bragging that she knew something about everyone. There would be no reason to ask me, or rather, it would be pointless.

I shake off the odd feeling, but I don't want to excuse it on Claire being desperate. Another thing that bothered me, was that with Helena's amount of information she should have known that 'Augustus' is said to be impotent. Her information network on eligible bachelors in the kingdom should be unmatched, even for Gilbert's family.

It was unexpected she hadn't picked up on whether someone like Augustus was enrolled at the academy. Still, that is all. It's but a minor odd point. Perhaps she just lined him off as impossible to deal with after hearing he was nowhere to be found.

That said, I could use my own Helena to find a good fiance for when this chaos is over.


"Lily-sama?" Magdalin peers at me from my closet where she is looking for a night gown and a cloak. Of course you couldn't do something like showing off your night gown, and there was no such thing as bath robes here... as such, a cloak was used to cover the innocent or sometimes daring night gowns...

I can only imagine how the fantasies of the young men go rampant to find out just how much or how little, and how revealing they are dressed underneath the heavy and fully covering cloaks. Furthermore, most of the cloaks do have holes in the side where you can hold a hand out just in case it is needed... it usually isn't... as the girls take off said cloaks or robes for dinner...

As you can imagine, the girls' dorm is a paradise for young men around evening time... I am not sure whether this world is made for romance of for scandals... though, I assume it will not be too much of a problem this year.


I am the daughter of lord Celeste. Remember all those blue mantled knights? It's on their honor to keep any man from seeing me in my night gown. I am not unamused at the idea of watching one of said night battles.

Of course, this 'night battle' will end late. Perhaps as a result of that the bathing times for the knight students are set after everyone else have finished.

I pull myself out of my train of thought and smile to her.

"Everything is fine. I was merely considering things that felt off..."

I move to the closet and pull out a while silk night gown. As you expect at this point, it fits my usual preferences, not academy preferences. In other words, it covers up to my neck and down past my ankles, and of course down over my wrists. I've no intention of showing any skin even on any fancy accidents.

I smile to Magdalin that stares at me holding the night gown with a soft fascination.

"Lily-sama, you really look like a fairy when you dress up in pure white." I raise an eyebrow at her comment, but smile at the same time.

"My my, let's make sure none but you know that," I respond half-sweetly. Magdalin doesn't take my little half-unhappy response seriously and looks over our two baskets satisfied.

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