80 - The Spymaster

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Helena Fox's Point Of View

Things... have been relatively quiet since the kidnapping...

All that is left is a heavy and tense atmosphere that lingers in the air like rot.

"Do you really think we are going to war?"

A girl leans to her friend with worry.

"...I hope not... my grandmother lives near the borders. If they dig through the mountains she won't get away in time..."

The somber tone of the conversations have been like this... and meanwhile Claire and Alstair have tea like it's just another day to them.

At least 'Lily' doesn't appear immune to the rumors... or something weird happened.

She has been acting weird recently. She doesn't even look at me anymore either... it is as though I have disappeared from her view, and honestly I am relieved...


I grab the basket with my clothes and head off towards the bath. At this point I've decided to bath at a different time than 'Lily'. As far as possible I want to avoid her...

The rumors about Jesmaine and Headal have slowly begun to run freely as well. There are rumors that the prince got angry with her and... brought her home for punishment.

I don't know what to think. Their engagement wasn't a part of the game. She wasn't supposed to be engaged.

Still... Claire is finally flirting with Alstair, so the war should disappear, right? That is my faint hope, even though I know that this world is not a game.

It is painfully real.

I just wish that at least on the point of Claire's romance it would stick to the story. That way I would know how to save Jesmaine from her fate in the game. It is all too free in this game. If Lionel captures her now... would he kill her like he does in the game?


Eh?! Gilbert-sama?!

I end up stumbling over my own foot for a moment at Gilbert-sama's voice and cling to my little bath basket.

"...Gilbert..." Lionel responds back uncomfortably. Where are they? They aren't on the hallway I am in.

"Uwaaaaah~ she tore you up quite good," Gilbert-sama chimes happily like Lionel just gave him a present.

I glance around and realize they they must be past this bend and right in front of the dressing rooms for the baths. Was Gilbert-sama lying in wait for Lionel? He had a creepy habit of doing that to the Heroine if you went down his bad route. From the moment you failed his route the text would change just a tiny little bit from the good and the bad route.

"I heard you two finally got in a fight, and as expected of a big courageous and indelicate idiot, you ticked her off~" Gilbert-sama almost gloated.

I wanted to see what was going on, but with Gilbert-sama it was best not to. While his good route was amazing and charming... his bad route was terrifying.

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