[ 8 ] Operation sneak out of the house is on the roll

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• C H A P T E R   E I G H T •

Do you ever get that strange feeling when you already despise someone you barely know from the first encounter?

If so then surely, you can understand me when I say that I completely don't like Amanda. From the minute I heard her voice, I immediately knew she means trouble.

"So what brings you to Roosevelt High? Well other then wanting to see Dean of course." her eyes are hardened and her lips twist into a fake smile as the words roll out of her oh so tiny lips.

Oh. No. She. Didn't.

"Will you quit that?" I snap, clenching my fists.

With a flick of her fringe, she blinks innocently. "Quit what?"

"Quit doing that thing where you pretend to be nice to me when in reality we both know that you don't like me."

Her smile suddenly vanishes as her eyes are now boring holes through my skull. "Getting straight to the point are we? Well now that we can be honest with each other I'll go straight to the point; Do you still have feelings for Dean?"

Surprised, I look at her as I try to suppress a giggle, but end up bursting into a loud laughter. Her facial expression remains unblinking as she tightens her jaw. "I'm sorry, but did I say something funny?"

I continue to laugh uncontrollably until the sides of my stomach hurt. "You seriously think that I have feelings for the person who humiliated me in front of the entire school?" I tell her in between laughs.

"Just answer the damn question!" she explodes, sending me a glare.

"Okay whoa," I trail off angrily. "You need to calm down and don't worry he's all yours." I imply before rolling my eyes.

Could this girl be anymore dense?

As if the next words that roll out of my mouth are a bundle of joy, Amanda's glare quickly vanishes and a genuine smile adorns her face. "I have a feeling that you and I are going to be good friends and by the way, I love your hair."

This girl is unbelievably fake and absolutely catty. Just two minutes ago she was boring holes through my skull and now she wants to act like we're the best of friends by giving me backhanded compliments?

Dean sure knows how to pick them.

"Well see that's where I have a problem." I say stiffly.

She regards me blankly. "What do you mean?"

"You see two years ago, I made the mistake of befriending someone like Stacey who I didn't realize was two-faced and a liar until it was too late. Now based on the conversation that we just had, I can tell that you maintain the exact same personality as her; you're catty, condescending, passive-aggressive, two-faced and need I say more?"

I seem to have touched a nerve because her expression melts into a glower. "Whatever bitch, I have lots of friends anyway." Amanda says dismissively before walking away from the line. Pleased, I watch her head back towards her table to join Luke, Noel, Dean, Evangelina and two other girls from my grade. 

Apparently, that table's reserved for the populars of Roosevelt High. Whenever we're at the cafeteria, I always find it weird that Luke and Aaliyah don't share the same table since they're a couple.

In my opinion, I guess Luke seems to be the type of guy who's too focused on establishing a high profile for himself so rather than him taking the initiative to sit with Aaliyah at lunch, he'd rather sit with people like them.

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें