[ 2 ] I am not the one to blame

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• C H A P T E R T W O •

"Would it kill you to just greet me?" the sound of a familiar voice causes me to freeze in my tracks.

Perturbed, I have a dreadful feeling I know who it is, but I am silently hoping that I may be wrong this time.

Sucking in a deep breath, I turn around to face the voice's owner.

My eyes meet his and I inwardly curse for making the irrational decision of turning around, instead of choosing to walk away in the first place.

"It's been a while Emery," he remarks impassively.

"Anthony." I can't help but feel edgy due to how we're interacting for the first time in a long time.

Taking the moment to study his features, I notice he still possesses that charming face of his that could easily melt the heart of any girl.

His brown hair is in a perpetually messy state, but still compliments the oval shape of his face. I would never admit it to him out loud, but he really is one of the best looking guys that I've ever met. With his looks, it doesn't take a genius to realize that he's probably dated a lot of girls before.

Suddenly, realization dawns on me that I've been staring at his face for the past couple of seconds. Based on the look he's giving me, I'm guessing he's been waiting for my response to his question.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"How did you cope with the events that occurred between you and Dea—" he fails to finish his sentence, as soon as an incensed look overshadows my features.

"Look, I know I probably shouldn't have brought it up. . ." he begins nervously. "It's just that ever since you returned, you haven't really communicated with me. Hell, you've been distant and didn't even try to keep in touch with me when you were in Boston. Are you mad at me or something?"

"I honestly don't know." I manage to say, resisting the urge to close my eyes in agony.

The last thing I want to do is reminisce about the past with him.

"Wait, you seriously don't think I had something to do with whatever Dean did to you two years ago do you?" When I don't respond his expression morphs into pain as he exhales deeply.

"Look, Emery, maybe what Dean did was unforgivable. . ."

It's my first day of school and I've already managed to hear his stupid name twice.

What did you expect? Dean to vanish out of thin air when you'd return? He still exists you know!

". . .but you can't possibly think that I had a part to play in his scheme. I may be his friend but I'm not a dick like him."

Hearing his words definitely changes my perspective of things. Maybe I've been blaming him for all the wrong reasons these past few years. After all, he's always been a good friend to me throughout our period of friendship.

Deep down, I guess a small part of me didn't want to admit that I may have misjudged him all along and I never should have cut him off. 

Although, I'm finding it really hard to trust anyone these days. People who used to earn my trust ended up hurting and disappointing me in the end. The funny thing about trust is that it takes years to build and seconds to break. Once it's broken, it's almost impossible to regain that trust again.

Uttering an exasperating sigh, I gently run my fingers through my tresses. "I appreciate your effort for trying to mend things but I'd rather not talk about it anymore."

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt