[ 29 ] Monday, you're going to profess your undying love for me?

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Previously on Fool Me Twice, Shame On me

Noel and Emery couldn't seem to get along after the former discovered that she was at Dean's basketball appreciation party the previous day. During their argument, her suspicions of him heightened  to the extent where he felt obligated to explain his involvement in the conspiracy to humiliate her years ago. He ended up revealing all the people who were involved in the conspiracy, including Luke (Aaliyah's boyfriend) and Quentin (the originator of Emery's suspicions). 

In addition, he claimed that he only found out about the plan to humiliate her later during the night of his party which triggered mixed feelings from Emery. Unable to fully believe his story, Emery ended up confronting Quentin who came to stir up some drama on campus. Once she confronted him and revealed everything Noel told her, Quentin ended up revealing a different side of the story. Emery found out that Noel was the mastermind behind the whole plan to humiliate her that night and he encouraged Dean to do it.

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T W E N T   Y N I N E

There's no way he could've been a part of it.

If we didn't know each other back then, why would he have concocted a plan to humiliate me in front of the entire school and lied about it?

He wouldn't have approached me in an amicable way at the beginning of senior year knowing deep down, he was in some way responsible for my departure.

I'm sickened to my stomach just from thinking about it.

"What have you done?" That's all it takes to bring me back to reality.

Noel clenches his fists as he slowly approaches me. His eyes glisten with apprehension once his gaze locks with mine. He constantly breaks eye contact to glance at Quentin before meeting my gaze.

"This jackass can't possibly be telling the truth..." is the first thing to come out of Anthony's mouth in reaction to Quentin's revelation.

Neither Dean nor Noel dares to speak which triggers an exasperated sigh from Anthony's end.

"Dean?" Anthony's seeks for said person's input but it's almost impossible to gain his attention.

Once there's no response from him, Anthony opts for a different tactic.

"DEAN?" He doesn't say a word and just when I think things couldn't get any worse, Noel maneuvers his way in front of me.

Too numb to form a rational thought, I berate myself on how stupid I was to ever believe a word that came out of his mouth.

Expecting tears to blur my vision, I'm surprised when nothing comes out.

He keeps his unrelenting gaze on mine and despite the circumstances; I can't bring myself to look away or speak. I tune out my surroundings to examine him closely.

It's amazing how you think you know someone but you end up seeing their true colors once they're unmasked.

"Emery..." his voice comes out strained as he attempts to grab my hand.

I snatch my hand away, face raked of disdain.

His eyes rake of despair as tries to catch my eyes. "I can explain."

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