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Her body finally stops shaking and a feeling of calm washes over us as she succumbs to the sleep, she was fighting so hard. Her warm body hugs me, as her hand clutches my shirt tighter as she lets out a whimper in her sleep.

Her face is scrunched up, with her soft golden hair hanging down in loose curls. She looks so innocent in her sleep. Guilt and anger seep into my mind as I think about how she has not slept properly in weeks because she's been on the run.

A whimper cuts through the fog in my head, and I feel her face crushed to my chest so tightly. Fuck I'm hurting her. I need to clear my head, and I need to get out of this fucking forest 500 miles from home.

The air was thick, coated with a metallic taste. The stench of blood and war is thick around us. Blake stalks behind a stumbling Matt and injured Brian. Blake blue eyes look dark and alert as he scans the trees around us. He is just as lethal in human form as his wolf.

His body grows even more tense as he stills and grabs Matt and Brian. Bringing them to a stop as they stumble over each other. Feeling my eyes on him, he turns to me waiting.

Before I can get a word out Matt comes up to Blake with a scowl etched into his face, He cowers back as Blake looks down at him with a deathly stare, his eyes flashing as his wolf is begging to break free, to cause some destruction. The tension weaving around them, getting tighter and tighter until it finally snaps when Matt turns his eyes down. Blake looks up with a satisfied smirk on his face.

A smirk plastered on my own face as I watch the show. "Blake, we need a car, get in touch with Brennus. There's no way we can risk going the whole way back on foot, and I can guarantee She's not going to climb on my wolf without a fight."

I heard Matt snort at my last statement.

Fucking prick.

"Got something to say human" Blake spits

The boy's eyes flare, and he thrusts forward into Blakes face. Kids got some balls, that's for sure.

"Yes, I got something to fucking say!" His chest heaves as he pants. His jaw his clenched and a vein on his forehead pops.

"You bastards think you can just come, and take whoever you want not thinking about anything or the families that mourn them. You clearly don't even think about your precious mates safety if they are more at risk with you. How many enemies do you have? How many human girls are fucking killed every year because you put them in danger." His body shakes as his lip turns up in a snarl.

Before Matt can say another word, Blake slams him against the tree with his hand wrapped tightly around his throat, squeezing as Matt tries to pry Blakes giant hands off his throat. Blake applies more pressure as Matts face turns bright red.

"Don't forget your place human. I'm fucking sick of YOUR kind telling us we are the monsters when WE are constantly cleaning up the bodies that your precious humans destroy." Blake seethes as he loosens his hold.

I grip Lexi tighter trying to calm down. "Don't forget boy, you are the one who put her in danger; you took her first. You knew full well the dangers outside your sector, but you took her anyway. Selfishly trying to keep her from me. Why is that? did you want her for your fucking self like Brian over here?"

Matts face twists into a sneer as he chokes out. "I don't want her to end up like my sister you bastard!" At his words Blake releases him and he slides down the tree gasping.

"Who is your sister?" Blake asks slowly looking at me, worried. If we have his sister then he may help us, but if his sister was killed by the humans during a rebel attack then he's going to be a problem.

Defying DeclanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon