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"Declan, Calm down. You're going to ruin everything you have worked for." Blake said cautiously, trying to calm my wolf down.

The Eastern Chancellor just left, and took his men with him. I'm sure they are trying to figure out what caused my sudden rage.

"I have never seen grown men run so fast in my entire life, it never gets old with the humans. The moment they see the real beast lying underneath they piss themselves." Blake chuckles as he passes me a much-needed drink.

I toss it back in one gulp and slam the cup down. "Another"

"I smelled her, she out there; the Luna is actually out there." Tension fills the air at my words. Blake's wolf craves his Luna as much as I crave my mate. It's in all pack members to naturally crave a Luna to protect, especially ranked male wolves.

Blake hands me another and I toss it back. I wipe my mouth and slam my cup on the table my beast wants out again. "That last guard to come in, he smelled of her. The smell was so strong, I want him fucking found. If the Chancellor hasn't figured it out yet, I don't want him to know. Who knows how that bastard will use her. We need this treaty to go through tonight. We need the easy access to search their lands." My teeth are grinding together as I spit out the words. Anger at what the Chancellor may be planning has my wolf trying to take control. Soon.....Soon you can run free. Let me just get through the next few hours.

I look Blake dead in the eye "I want her found tonight, and I want that guard brought to me, and I fucking want to know why he reeks of MY mate!" I bite out.

Blake looks uneasy as he nods to my request. Running his hand through his dark blonde hair he sighs. He is feeling the desperate pull to find his Luna as well.

"We have to be careful. I don't trust the Chancellor at all, he agreed to this treaty way too quickly. My instincts have always told me he has his own agenda." Blake snarls out as he heads to the office window.

I walk over to him as well, the Eastern border sits a few hundred feet and its calling to my wolf, enticing me like fresh running water in the scorching dessert. "We stay here in the border station and wait for the town meeting. We will be close, and after it is announced send the best trackers in to find that fucking guard" My voice is full of authority and dominance as my words seep into Blake.

His answering growl is enough to tell me he will get this done. I'm coming for you my Luna, soon you will be where you belong..................................

We are on the outskirts of town and I'm waiting with Blake as we listen to to the chancellor makes his announcement. The Eastern citizens are not happy, this is not going to be accepted easily. My beast is awakening at the shift in the atmosphere, it is so tense its almost suffocating.

"Blake something is wrong; my wolf is trying to break out. He can feel it." I say warily

Blake's eyes suddenly glaze over and I know that one of the warriors on the inside of town is linking him. His blue eyes flash as he lets out a growl. He turns to me and looks livid.

"Jaxon caught the guards scent by the stage, he is out tracking him now. Jaxon said he discovered the guards name; it is Brian, and the best fucking part is the Chancellor has also sent out a search party for him. Apparently, he has become a person of interest in an undisclosed crime and is to be detained at first sight."

The tree branch that I'm holding on to snaps in my hands at his words. A furious snarl leaves my lips "Fuck! He knows, the fucking chancellor knows. We have to find him before Isaac does."

Defying DeclanWhere stories live. Discover now