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I woke up with a dog cuddled next to me licking my face. "Oh hey there cutie what are doing here?" I asked to the dog in a baby voice. "I got you him to maybe help with the stress of you and Ash fighting." Lauren says. "Thanks I just can't believe after I tried to help her from a guy who was flirting with her she'd get drunk.... She even slapped me..." I say as I began to cry at the images of Ashley drunk. It killed me. "She used to have a drinking problem. She would come home with whisky in her hand. She could barely get in bed so she would sleep on the couch. And a few months I got up the nerve to take the alcohol away from her and throw it away. I had took her to an Rehab and she got better. I just don't know what I did wrong for her to start again." I say before I break down into even more tears. "Awe Dua." Dinah says as she sat diwn. Her and Lauren hugged me. "Imma take care of this!" Lauren says.


I get up and walk out. I walked over to Ashley house. I banged on the door. She opened it. "Why the fuck would you ever! Think about getting drunk and slapping Dua!? Huh?! " I yelled. She looked. Down. "What!" I yelled. "I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER! I CHEATED! OK! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR! I CAN'T SHE IS SO PERFECT AND DESERVES BETTER!" She yelled. And began crying. I hugged her. "Shhh. Look were you sober when you did it?" I asked. "No this guy asked if I wanted a drink and I said sure. But once I drinker it I blacked out. He raped me. It was our anniversary! And we went out. She was looking for me the whole night. When I came home she hugged me telling me how worried she was. And I already felt like I lost her." She says. "It was the same guy who she beat the shit out of. I felt as if he would come after me because of what she did. I was worried and I grabbed a beer and 6 more. I got drunk. I'm in love with her! And she loves me! A woman who cheated on her!" She began crying even more. "Tell her. She'll still love you no matter what. Ok girl?" I say. She shook her head and we walked over to my house.


We walked inside and Dinah got up about to hit me. I fliched before Lauren stopped her. "Just hear her out ok?" Lauren says. Dinah shook her head. "We are making good you two better be back together when we get done." Dinah says then they walk into the other room. I walked over and sat down next to Dua. I turned her her. Her eyes were blood shot red. It made me feel terrible that I was the one to cause it. I touched her cheek. She flinched. "Baby. I'm so sorry. Just please hear me out. Then you can break up with me. Hit me. What ever. So what had happened a long time ago it was our anniversary the one were I came home and you were worried about me. That night a guy asked to buy me a drink. I said sure not thinking. I took a sip and knocked out. The next morning I woke up next to the same guy in a bed naked. He had raped me. I felt like a slut. Like you deserved better. I had kept that in three out the rest of our relationship. But he came back to haunt me. He was the guy flirting with me. And when you pushed him I felt like he would come after me again. And I was so worried I drinked 6 beers before you got home. I felt like I wasn't good enough. So I took the pain and struggle on you. And I am so sorry Dua. You deserve so much better than me. So I'm ready. Go ahead do it." I say she had a shocked look on her face. A tear slips down my my cheek. Dua out her hand on my face. "I'd never leave you. Your not a slut and I can't get any better than you. Baby I love you and I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you if that's even possible. I'm so in love with you." She says and begans to cry. I started to cry to. We grabbed each other faces and kissed. We got up and left. Once we got home we got in bed and cuddled.


Once we began to cuddle I got on the Group Chat.

Hey guys 😍😍😍

Awe did you two make up😥😥😥 MY ship pulled threw!😍😍😍

Awe yay gays!😥😥😥👏👏👏

Why were they fighting?


I'm curious?

Me too😩😩😩

Don't worry young ones.

Yeah me and Lolo gtg....

Wait when did y'all get back.....🙎🙎🙎

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