Chapter 13 I miss her...

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"Okay, what name would you like?" The tattooist asked.

"Kayden. I would like it on my upper shoulder." I replied.

"Not a problem. Shall we get started?"

I nodded.

I spent 4 hours there, Wayne watching my every movement.

"Wayne, do you have to stare at me like a hawk?"

"Can't help it love. " he winked.

The tattooist chuckled.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She whispered.

I wanted to vomit.

"No, he's just a c-close friend."

"Oh, I see."

And she went back to working.

An hour later,

"Finished!" She said with pride.

I went to look at the mirror and saw the name Kayden on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much!" I cried.

"Oh don't cry sweetheart. It's my job." She hugged me.

"Although, why do want that name on your shoulder?" She asked.

"He was my son. " I replied.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Welp, okay, it's time to get going Scar." Wayne called out.

She let go and said bye.

I told her we should hang out some time, she nodded eagerly and have me her number.

Gwen, that was her name.

I smiled at her and we left for lunch.

"So Wayne, tell me about the guy who you wanna kill." I ate my spaghetti.


"I don't see any better time."

"He is actually my brother."

I chocked on my food.

"What?!" I yelled.

Wayne sh-ed me.

"Quiet down you big mouth!"

I took in many deep breaths.

Then, we just ate our food on silence.

I couldn't believe it...

Wayne has a brother?

Jax's POV

Melody has been lying in bed with her lingerie.

I just sat on the chair doing my own business.

I heard her leave the bed.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

She leaned on my shoulder.

I was desperate to shrug her off.

Scarlett may have broken my heart, but she will forever be my abandoned love. Even if it was betrayal.

Yeah. The big heartless alpha is soft.

But only from his mate...

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked.

"How can I when my husband isn't in bed with me?" She whined.

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