Adventure awaits

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I stayed up all night talking to Maizy, well technically only an hour because she facetimed me at 5am. That's beside the point. The point is that I will listen to Dustin and try to find out if she likes me.

First up on the list, it will start pretty small, hold her hand and see her reaction.

I walked to her door and rang the doorbell. We were going to watch movies today. The door opened but all I saw was a brown blanket swish by.

"Maizy?" I said as I walked in.

"I'm not dressed!" She answered with the cute kiddy voice she has sometimes.

"When are you ever?"

She stuck her head out from the bathroom and I could see her blanket covering her.

"Hmph!" She moved her head to the side sassily but still kid-like and walked out from the bathroom. She's so cute. She sprinted to her giant bean bag chair and jumped in it, still covering herself with her big brown blanket. I walked over to the bean bag and jumped down next to her. Maizy took the blanket and put it over both of us, still covering herself.

"What do you want to watch?" Maizy asked me.

"Horror?" Perfect opportunity to hold her hand right? She put on the first horror movie that came on and laid back down on the bean bag. I slowly put my hand under the blanket to find hers. I felt her arm and slid my hand down to hers and grabbed it. She held mine tighter and laid her head on my shoulder.

Okay well step 1 complete. I didn't really plan a step 2. It was hard to think straight (ha mostly because I'm not) while being so close to her. Her skin felt so nice and comforting. I could stay there forever. It became hard to keep my eyes open.

I opened my eyes to darkness surrounding a light coming from the tv.

"Emory?" Maizy whispered

"Yes?" I whispered back

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Where? Wait what time is it?"

"I'm not sure but I think we slept half of the day and now I have energy. Come on come on!" She began to grab me and pull me up.

"How are we getting wherever we're going?" I asked while quietly climbing out her window. "Oh hey your dressed now." I laughed at her.

"Of course I'm dressed! You expect me to go out in the middle of the night only wearing a blanket?"

"I wouldn't put it past you." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I called an Uber."

"Wait are you serious? Are you trying to get us kidnapped!" I whisper-yelled.

"You're such a scaredy." She laughed at me.

We saw a black car waiting for us and we got inside. The car ride was pretty awkward since I felt too scared to talk loudly. I just held her hand the whole time. But that was perfectly fine with me.

"Where are we going?" I whispered to her again.

"You'll see." She smiled.

I'm not sure how long the car ride was. I was lost in an explosion of sparks as we held hands. And she had this glow on her tonight. The glow she has whenever go on some type of adventure.

"Here we are." The uber driver said to us without a single drop of emotion. I unlinked our hands, excited to see where she was taking me. All I saw was a fence and a field of tall grass with hills behind it all. I looked at her confused.

"Come." Was all she said. She jumped over the fence and motioned for me.

"Do I have to say you'll be the death of me again?"

We smiled at each other and I jumped the fence with slightly more difficulty than her. She grabbed my hand and started running along this faded dirt path. It felt like we were running for a good 5 minutes through all of that tall grass before she talked again.

"There." Maizy pointed upwards, to the top of the hill. There was a thick rope attached to a tree hovering over the entire hill with a wooden swing. Okay not going to lie, this is pretty cool. We walked up the hill because we were too tired from already running here.

"Want to go first?" Maizy asked as we reached the top. I looked down from the steep hill and it looked pretty far down. Although the strong winds felt nice it just scared me more.

"Not really."

"Alright!" She grabbed the rope and brought it as far back as possible,"ready?" She smirked. She jumped on to the wooden swing and was suddenly soaring way over the edge of the hill. Her laugh was so bright as the swing continuously brought her back and forth. Finally the swing slowed down and she jumped off.

"My turn?" I was still unsure. She just nodded. I took the swing and only brought it slightly back. I took a deep breath and jumped on it.

It felt so refreshing. I looked down at the bottom of the hills and saw all of the pretty green. There was even a river down there I hadn't noticed on our way here. The wind made me feel alive. My heart was beating hard but it felt so good. I don't want to leave. This was a happy place. Well unless someone fell off. That wouldn't be happy at all.

After we both went a few times I wanted to go one more time before we left. I brought it back as far as possible this time. I jumped. Suddenly instead of feeling the relief, I realized I somehow did not make it on the seat and was hanging on for my life as the swing went over the hill. The moment i could put my feet on the ground without dying I let go, almost falling again. All Maizy could do was laugh.

"OHMYGOD!" She was dying of laughter.

"I almost DIED AND ALL YOU'RE DOING IS LAUGHING?" I yelled at her.



"HA." She smiled. Maizy grabbed my hand and we began to run back down the steep hill.

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