Drunk call

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It was finally Saturday night and I had started binge watching the latest season of all my favorite shows. We thankfully didn't get much homework over the weekend. Not that'd I do it anyway but still.

Just as I was getting into my show, of course, I felt my phone buzzing. It read "Maizyyy calling" so I paused the tv.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"EMORY!" She yelled back at me.


"DID I EVER TELL YOU, tell you how TERRIBLE of a person I AM?" She switched from yelling to a whisper multiple times.

"Um are you okay?"

"Shhhhhhh, I'm fine!"

"Are you drunk?"

"Whaaaaat? Noooooo." Well this is great.

"Maizy where are you?"

"That's a good question!"

"Seriously where are you"

"I'm not entirely sure" she said giggling.

"What do you see?"


"Are you in the forest? Again?" she gasped.


"Maizy Roe, I swear you will be the death of me. Stay there and do not move!" I hung up the phone and put on shoes and a jacket.

I ran outside and into the community center, ignoring whatever Ms.Hunched wanted to threaten me with today. I found the hole in the fence and turned on my flashlight as I looked around for Maizy. She would probably head toward the tree house so I started heading towards there.

I caught sight of a long body laying down by the latter of the tree house with its arms up in the air. I started running towards her.


"You fouND ME!" She responded with excitement.

"Okay well your parents are awake right now so I can't take you home yet, can you climb up the ladder?"

"If you can flY ME!!"

"What does that even mean?" I was so confused at this girl right now. I grabbed her hand and pushed her to the ladder. She began to climb and I stayed behind her to make sure she didn't fall.

She crashed on the couch and started singing the song from Veggie tales she loved so much. I sat down next to her.

"Why are you drunk?" She stared at me for a few seconds. Then she put her hands on my face.

"Because I'm a bad person. shhhhhh"

"What did you do?" She started singing the song again. Moving her head around and dancing slightly. "Is this about your sister?"

"whaaaaaaat? nooooo? how did you knoWWW!?" I have never seen her act like this before. But I'm not going to lie, her kiddy voice was cute.

"Maizy tell me what happened."

"I wove you too much to put my pain onto youUU" She continued in a very kiddy voice and pointed at me.

"If you don't tell me I'll be forced to take you home!"  She frowned at me for a few seconds. Then a tear ran down her face and she put her head on my shoulder. "You can talk to me" 

"It's my fault." She said trying to hold in her sobs.

"How is it your fault?"

"I killed her!" She let out all of her tears.

"Maizy you can't blame yourself, tell me what happened."

"I didn't know. I had no idea" she continued sobbing. "I wasn't able to help her in time."

"Maizy..." she looked at me with a sad face and wiped away her tears. She pointed towards the direction of her house. Then took her hand and slid it across her neck. She put her head down. I understood what she meant after she continued crying and wetting my shirt. Oh my god. Her sister killed herself. I had no idea. I felt a tear run down my face.

"And one of the reasons I- i sto-opped talk-talking to my old fr-riends because they- they wouldn't stop asking questions. I couldn't handle it." She tried to tell me in between her wails.

"Hey hey, Maizy. It's not your fault. It's not your fault." I put my arms around her and slowly rocked her back and forth. "It's okay."


After Maizy stopped crying and calmed down I helped sneak her back in her house and up to her room.

"Help!" She said as she reverted back to her kiddy voice. She put her arms up. I lifted her shirt off and put on her favorite giant shirt. I helped her on to her bed. "Tuck me in?!"

I took her comforter and laid it on top of her and sat next to her. I held her hand.

"Want to hear some jokes?" I asked to help her fall asleep.

"Yes pwease"

"Knock knock"

"Who's there!"


"Boo who?"

"Hey don't be sad!"

"Haaaa I get it"

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"  I didn't get a response. I looked at her face to see she had fallen asleep. I kissed her forehead and got up. Before I began to walk to the door I felt her arm grab mine.

"Stay!" She said before falling asleep again.

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