Why Does This Guys Say My Name So Much? And Other Signs He Likes You!

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  It could mean that the person is trying to involve you more and keep you engaged in the discussion you are having with them. It also is a very nice quality for that person - mentioning someone's name is more of an acknowledgment. It's not easy to keep every equally involved in a discussion or involve them to make the discussion interactive. But by saying someone's name, you acknowledge the person and in a way recognize the presence of the person in the active discussion.  

When guys like a girl, her name feels special to them and they feel good saying it. There is also no sound sweeter than that of your own name. He probably knows this, and he probably likes you, so saying your name gives him pleasure and makes you intrigued. Listen to him more often when he talks to other girls. If he says their names often, too, it's just his style. Otherwise, he almost definitely likes you.  

They use your name a lot: It's an old flirtatious technique to use someone's name a lot and it's also something that we do naturally to an extent when we're 'interested'. This is a good tip in general – anything that you have heard of as being advice on how to flirt can be a sign that someone is interested and has so decided to use those techniques on you.

Smiling more: If someone seems to smile at you a lot then this is a sign that they like you certainly and possibly that they fancy you. Try and see which kind of smile it looks like, if it seems very genuine and warm then it may be that they have a crush.

Touching: 'Accidental touching' is another flirting technique that we are taught in books and magazines. It is again though also one that people will do naturally to an extent, and you shall probably notice that someone interested does touch you on the shoulder or slap your arm playfully.

Holding eye contact: The best way to tell that someone likes you is probably their eye contact. When you are talking to them you may notice that they hold your gaze more intently than before and that it seems to be quite a deep stare.

Dilating pupils: When we look at someone we fancy our eyes natural dilate and this can tell us that they're interested – or it's getting dark.

Flushing: We also tend to flush to an extent when we fancy someone – our cheeks may redden as well as our lips. The muscles also sometimes harden, though signs like this are very subtle and so very difficult to spot.

Complimenting: It's a well known fact that we compliment those we fancy – because we generally think they're amazing. Try putting yourself down ('nobody fancies me... ') and see what their reaction is. If it seems overly emphatic then you might be on to something.

Teasing: This is almost a 'defence mechanism'. It may well be that we tease the people we fancy to ensure that they can't tell we fancy them, or to try not to come across as needy (when really we do feel like we need them). Playful teasing is one of the most common signs of some kind of sexual tension too and there's a fine line between playful scolding and passionate snogging.

Staring: Remember at school when you used to stare across the class at the guy or girl that you fancied? Well there's a chance that people are doing that to you right now. Unfortunately it's hard to tell if someone is staring at you without looking as though you are staring at them. Fortunately there is a good technique you can use. Simply check the time on your watch and then look to see if they do – when we see someone else check the time it is almost an impossible impulse not to do so ourselves.

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