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Have a crush on a guy?

Let's find if he likes you to!

Or maybe you're curious as to whether that guy looking at you likes you or just looking at a poster behind you.

Whatever the reason let's find out.


He looks at you a lot. Duh. His eyebrow may even lift as he watches you. Called the eyebrow flash, that lasts a fifth of a second. (It sorta sounds funny, okay I'll stop giggling behind the screen.)

Notice how much he looks at your face and makes eye contact.

If he holds that eye contact for a while he's pretty interested.

He leans towards you a lot. Personal space invasion is a sign of major interest.

(PERSON SPACE INVASION! NO, MY BUBBLE! Okay, I'll seriously stop.)

Check the direction of his hands, feet, legs, toes, etc.

If they're mostly pointed toward you, it's a subconscious indicator of his interest in you.

He starts grooming himself.

(Like a cat or a dog! Aw, that's so cute.)

He might be fixing his outfit or making himself comfortable.

Perhaps he runs his hands through his hair in attempt to tidy it.

Doing this repeatedly is similar to the actions of a male bird preening up his feathers for a display!


Okay, let's go to eye contact!

When he's around you and he says or does something funny and everyone around laughs, his eyes will flicker towards you for a second to see if you laughed too––this means he's keen to make a good impression on you.
His pupils may dilate if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes. If you're around him for a long time, it could be easier to pick up on gradually.

I hope this sorta helps you!

If this doesn't please contact me and I'll help you if anyway possible.

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