who knew

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Who knew that you approaching me on February 2nd , 2015 would leave a huge impact on my life?

Who knew that the first time you opened your mouth left me in a daze?

Who knew that I'd blush everytime one of your friends asked if I was your girlfriend?

Who knew that my heart longed for you to say "Yes", but it was never going to happen?

Who knew that when we exchanged numbers, lead to those sacred  conversations I'd have with you?

Who knew that I would reread those messages over and over until I had it memorized?

Who knew that I loved the time we spent together after school in the courtyard?

Who knew that I would replay our entire conversation when you left?

Who knew that you were on my mind at any given moment?

Who knew that I would deny that I was talking to you when I'm around my friends because they wouldn't understand the way I felt about you?

Who knew that you made me feel better about myself and were always there at any time of the night to talk?

Who knew what would become of us: a sophomore with two years to go and a senior who was going in a matter of weeks?

Who knew that I would be there at your graduation, celebrating another milestone in your life?

Who knew that you wanted to spend time with me before you went off for college?

Who knew that we would stop all means of conversations between each other?

Who knew that we found ourselves talking to one another again after our brief intermission?

Who knew that the feelings I felt for you before, were back and stonger than before?

Who knew that when I stalked your Facebook page to only find out you had met a girl away at college?

Who knew that a wave of jealousy tried to drown me in it?

Who knew that I got angry at the girl who I never met, but was always around you?

Who knew that you'd be clueless about how I felt towards you?

Who knew that I was so bloody angry that I blocked you on every social media (except Facebook) and never thought to return any of your messages?

Who knew that you reappeared for the millionth time, that I'd forgiven all you done even though you did nothing wrong?

Who knew that I found what was to come between us?

Who knew that the words you sent to me on WhatsApp would only lead to me to hating you?

Who knew that yet again we would be in this too familiar predicament: you saying something that would upset me and resulting in our loss of communication?

Who knew that on your birthday June 19th, 2016 I would find the balld to tell you happy birthday?

Who knew that you would respond being practically clueless about what happened to us almost a year ago?

Who knew that I gave you my number and we would go back to our old ways?

Who knew that I never once felt those feelings about you again?

Who knew that things would never be the same when we first talked?

Who knew that I would finally be over you?

Who knew that I felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders?

Who knew that I would the one to end things between us?

Who knew that I would be here writing all these things I wanted to say to you, but never will?

Who knew what would have occured if I did?

Who knew?

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