all alone with my thoughts

87 27 7

All alone with my thoughts, as they haunt me so,
Eyes are like rivers that hasten to flow.
Images circle me, and begin to glow,
Why must my thoughts taunt me so?

Alone with my thoughts; the good and the bad,
What I have now, and the little I had.
People around me, glassy-eyed and sad,
Armless hugs from a distant Dad.

Alone with my thoughts; the future and past,
Sailing along with the flags half-mast.
Memories attacking me, far too many for too fast
They seek me out - and come at last!

Alone with my thoughts; so dark and dry.
But hopes here with me, lighting the sky.
The gates collapse and soft eyes cry,
A heart wishing to be free to tumble and fly.

All alone with my thoughts, again once more.
As my heart and hopes begin to soar.
Tomorrow is only through night's black door,
A feeling so strong, like never before.

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