shy girl.

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The words are at the tip of my tongue.
I desire to speak, to express myself.
But, my strength is beneath me.
Instead, I slip away mysteriously.

I move silently across the room.
My lips in movement but never making any sound.
I'm used to stares and the wondering why, this girl won't ever speak.
As if they don't know I'm driven with fear.

I watch as they pass me by.
I'm dying for company but I stay a mystery.
I'm in my own little world reading a book.
Every now and then I'll see someone stop and look.

I try to open my mouth but as I do something stops me.
I'm drowning in the river of fear

My mind racing of something to say.
To hide my shame I pretend to have lost my pencil.

It seems like a battle.
Me, myself and I fighting to face my fears.
I close my eyes and finally the words escape me.
From this day on, I swear, I won't be afraid to fly.

-July 24th 2015

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