"Coffee, tea, juice, Friends?"

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Ian's Pov

Cuddling!  How I refused to do such an exaggerated act before but tables flipped around and now all I wanted is to snuggle to this warm figure next to me. I pushed my head closer to it and that's when I heard a surprised gasp of air...

"Ian...Wake up." a sweet voice invaded my ears and somehow drew a smile on my face 

"Ian...Ian..." she repeated and that's when I flipped around to face my talker.

"May...Good morning." I uttered and then started to study her morning look. She looked tired but she was still smiling. I knew that I caused her tiredness because sitting for hours on a sofa is not that comfortable and I also woke her up way too early. 

"Good morning." she said back offering me a smile that made my own lips turn into a smile. 

She has simple features yet in a way they all looked angelic. Even if her hair was put in a messy bun and even when she had no makeup at all she looked good. My eyes found their usual way to her lips and there was that perfect smooth set of light pink lips. I remember how they felt against mine and found myself acting upon such memories...I wanted to kiss Maya...again for unknown reasons.

"Ian?" she questioned and then as if she understood my intention she placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back 

"We cannot do this anymore...I am dating Asher and you and I are..." She seemed at a loss of words 

"We are friends " I filled in the blank spaces in her definition of us

"Friends do not kiss each other. Friends do not use each other. Friends know each other's real persona...but we don't. We are mere strangers." she tried to argue but I saw a glimpse of pain in her eyes 

"How could you allow a stranger to sleep here on you lap? how could care for a stranger the same way you cared for me...We are friends Maya. Friends with a certain emotional pull...A pull that I do not understand. ..I can't help it but want to kiss you whenever you are around" I said honestly as I sat up and faced her. She blushed hearing my words but that look of pain and hurt never erased completely.

"I felt that kind of emotional pull too but I cannot be in a friends with benefit type of relation...Asher is offering me what I want a real relation...but with you I will always be a hidden dirty secret...I will be your plan B after Rose...I will be always a rebound...And I cannot do that to myself... I can't act on a stupid pull...It is just temporary as soon as we kiss each other we can go weeks without seeing or contacting one another...It is just not healthy...We both can do better." Maya finished her speech and then stood from the sofa and I felt the same violent kind of pain bursting in my chest. 

"Only you can have such an effect on me...I have been a player all my life and girls said hurtful things to me all the time when I broke their hearts but I never felt such pain...When you reject me I feel like my heart is going to stop beating ." I hushed looking for an explanation 

"Because I am hurting your pride...You are for once rejected and not the reject(er)" Maya tried to explain as she moved and walked to her kitchen 

"can you not push me anymore? I am sorry for being rude, for being a jerk and for all my nonsense...May I need you?" I begged and saw her seriously studying my features. Is she trying to discover if I am lying or not?

"Coffee, tea, juice, Friends?" Maya finally uttered and smiled brightly at me and I couldn't help but smile right back at her

"For real?" I questioned to make sure and she nodded with a hug smile plastering on her face and I couldn't help but walk to her hug her and spin her around.

"Ian let go of me or I will it take back" she yelled giggling 

"Okay...okay...I am just happy..." I smiled down at her as I released her from my grip

" Now Mr.Mathews..." she tried to talk but I grumbled at her

"I mean Ian, We have few rules to go through so this friendship can last." she corrected and I nodded at her waiting to hear her rules "first no kissing.  Second we cannot use each other unless we discuss what is happening. Third we will try to know the real us. Fourth if you are still trying to break Rose and Jacob then I will never be a part of your plans and sixth, we will truly look for the best for each other." She explained all the rules and I nodded even though a sound in me kept on saying that I want more

"Okay..."  agreed happily at least now we are not fighting anymore

"so now what do you want for breakfast? coffee, tea, juice and waffles, pancakes or crepes, eggs and bacon ?" she numerated my options

"Can't we eat outside?" I offered not willing to tire her more

"Are you doubting my skills in the  kitchen Mr.Mathews?" She teased and I grumbled hearing my last name again

"Maybe Miss Mayer maybe..." I teased her back and saw a childish glow around her 

"Well take a seat then and you will receive the best breakfast you will ever have in no time..." she happily sung and went to the stove and I was left to watch her sing, dance and cook 

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