As I Said Before I Want You!

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Ian's Pov :

Am I being stood up? Should I call her? Did she figure out my real intentions? 

These questions kept on replaying in my mind as I waited for Maya. She is late, way too late. I have been waiting for her for half an hour. People in the restaurant kept looking at me with sympathy as if they thought that my "date" forgot about me. I felt so awkward. Is this Karma? Is the universe making me pay for all the girls that I stood up?   

Should I ring her? or Just go to her house?

As I stood up, I heard my name being called and there she stood. Maya was dressed simply and she looked so delicate. My eyes roam her body studying and I noticed how she shifted her weight from one leg to another to show her discomfort. She is nothing like the girls I dated. She is nothing like the girl I love, Rose. Maya was simple. She didn't dress glamorously. She since the age of four hated attention and since her discomfort was clear, I knew for sure that she still hates it.

"Ian?" she repeated as I didn't respond to her but kept on eyeing all her small details. She is a girl and I am a player so my reaction to her appearance is totally normal no one needs to read much into it. As soon as my eyes reached her face, I saw smooth skin uncovered by makeup, plump lips coated in light pink gloss and then dark orbs that showed clear discomfort and that was enough to shake out of my trance.

"You are late." I blamed as I took my seat back 

"I didn't want to come" she bluntly confessed which shocked me but also made me chuckle. She is as blunt as a kid.

"And why is that? Am I not charming enough for you Miss pure? Or is your boyfriend possessive of you?" I teased her as she took her own seat and my eyes yet again traveled to study her plump lips and curvy figure.

"Honestly, I don't get why you want to be friend me and Ian both of us know that you are not as charming as people think. You are just a typical player." she again spoke freely not caring about my reaction and my smirk was flipped upside down because right at moment I knew that getting her under my charm won't be that easy. This girl can certainly read me like an open book.

"I told you my reason. Rose, the person I trust the most said that you are the greatest friend there is." I tired to convince her of my not so real intentions even though Rose did really tell me about Maya and how great she is.

"I can recommend some other friends for you." Maya shot back while a small smile took over her lips. 

"I want you." I insisted and her eyes rapidly met mine. Her intense gaze made me shiver. I wanted to break our gaze but somehow her eyes hypnotized mine and kept them in chained.

"Salut et Bienvenue chez "Chez Balzac". Je suis Bryan et je suis votre serveur. Voila les menus et je reviendrai en quelques minutes pour prendre vos commandes." A voice came from beside and shook me back to sanity. 

I looked at the waiter to thank him but found that his eyes were sat on Maya. He didn't pay attention to me even when I thanked him but when Maya did he gave her in flirting smile. I felt uneasy watching such scene but decided to ignore it. Maya , on the other hand seemed clueless to the man who was eyeing her. Even when she thanked him, her eyes never left the tablecloth. 

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