Have you seen her?

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Maya's Pov:

I kept on running in circles. Nothing seemed to be perfect. Nothing looked okay on me. I didn't know why but dressing up for parties always took a toll on me. Since I was kid, I had certain insecurities about my weight. I feared looking like a giant balloon when I wore colors so I always tended to dress in black, blue or grey. I tried to hid my body under baggy clothes. I did all I can to be unnoticed. I did all to be unseen. 

"Yaya, wear that red dress and let us go...We are late and they are going to kill us!"  Nick yelled at me and made me once again study the red dress that laid on my bed. I bought it under Nick's command. He thought that it looked "cutely sexy " his words not mine. I sighed deeply as I heard him announcing for the billionth time that we are late. I guess that I have no other choice at all.

"Good?" I questioned as I went out of my room and that's when Nick's  green ocean eyes connected with mine then traveled down my body studying every detail about it.

"Perfect! He will certainly regret using you." He replied as he stood from the couch with a smile 

"I don't actually care about him anymore. He is hers forever." I replied with a deep sigh  and a broken heart 

"You care and he cares. He is just too stupid to figure it out. I have a plan..." Nick's smirk turned evil and I feared what was coming next 

"I don't want him and that is final. I need no plans whatsoever!" I tried to speak as confidently as possible hoping that Nick won't notice my lie. 

"Remember when I came here to apologize? and how so suddenly our game of twenty questioned took a dramatic turn and you started crying about being used and rejected? " he tried to argue as he opened the door and ushered me out of my house.

"Well that made us become friends. I thought that I will never trust you again but you have been there for me since then and we became best friends. But I never said that you can trick Ian into liking me. What happened between me and him was a stupid mistake of kiss. He was driven by anger and confusion and I was too stupid to push him away!" I stubbornly tried to convince Nick that Ian means nothing too me but those stupid old tingles rushed through me as I thought of that damned stolen kiss

"What about the electrifying feelings? the sparks? You said that you felt them." Nick said with the same stubbornness

"Look I was stupid and Ian is a good looking guy. I felt nothing." I lied again and images of that stupid Greek god colonized my mind again

"Both of you are stupid but with my help...." Nick was trying to convince me again but I was too tired of his nonsense 

"I swear that if you do anything wrong I will never talk to you again." I shot him a serious glare and after a minute he just nodded my way

"You know that I was just trying to care for you." Nick mumbled after a long silent ride 

"I know and I appreciate it  but Ian and I will never work. He will always be hers." I ended my sentence opened Nick's car door and walked to Rose and Jacob's house.

After few knocks, Rose opened the door and started blaming me for coming late. Then, she just grabbed Nick's hand and mine and dragged us in. She stopped at the threshold of the living room where now different people met and talked. I froze and took in the image in front of me looking for familiar faces. Some of our common friends were present and that made me relax more.

"You two can join anyone you want. I need to find Jacob so we can start this party properly now since you came. And Ian is here with one of his barbies." Rose spoke easily but her tone became rough and low at the end

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