Chapter 34

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•Lauren's POV•

My alarm started blaring into my ears causing me to groan and slam my hand over the snooze button. I yawned and stretched out my arms and with a lot of effort, opened my eyes. I looked over and frowned when I saw Camila wasn't next to me. I sat up and looked around my room for any signs of her but there was none. Her clothes weren't scattered on the floor and it seemed like she wasn't ever here in the first place.

"Camila?" I called almost afraid that she had left already.
My door opened and I felt a small hope in me that Camila would walk in but it vanished instantly when I saw my mom walk in. I tried to hide my disappointment and faked her a smile. "Oh hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, I was just checking up on you." She said coming in.

"Oh...I'm fine, why?"

"Nothing, it's just I heard almost like faint screams last night and I didn't know if it was you. I was half asleep so I thought maybe I was just hearing things." She shrugged sitting on the edge of my bed. I was confused at first until realization hit me and me face paled.

"No I heard it too." My dad stepped in with a cup of coffee.

"Huh that's weird..." My mother murmured and turned to me. "Did you hear anything Lauren?"

My head snapped to her and I panicked, "Huh what? Um n-no I didn't." I stuttered. She looked at me strangely but seemed to ignore it.

"Speaking of..." My dad paused, "It kinda sounded like it was coming from your-"

"Raccoons!" I blurted before he could finish. "Yeah I heard them too. They were right outside my window." I tried to say as casually as I could.

My dad pondered what I said for a moment before nodding. "Those damn raccoons." He shook his head. "Well me and your mom don't want to be late for work and you for school. So start getting ready." He pointed at me with a smile before leaving.

"We'll try to come home early today." My mom kissed my forehead. I simply nodded and she gave one last smile before leaving as well.

As soon as she closed the door my heart rate slowed down and I let out the breath I was holding. I got up and ran my hand through my hair. Imagine how embarrassing and nerve wrecking it would be if my parents found out me and Camila had sex? They still don't even know Camila.

"Raccoons huh?" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Camila there fully clothed with a small playful smirk. "Those must've been some loud raccoons..." I ignored her remarks and quickly wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her in for a tight hug.

She was caught off guard but wrapped her arms around my waist. "Woah..."

"Don't do that..." I whispered in relief, clenching her tighter.

"....did I forget to knock?" I could feel her smile as she made fun of me for last night. I pulled back and hit her chest.

"I'm serious Camila...I thought-I thought..."

Her faced turned serious when she saw how upset I looked. "You thought what?"

"I thought you left me..." I whispered but my voice came out with a small rasp. She reached her hands up and cupped my cheeks.

"I wouldn't do that." She placed a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and placed my warm ones over her cold hands.

"Camila you have to tell me what's going on." I spoke opening my eyes to look at her. She pulled back and softly sighed.

"I thought we clarified this last night..."

"Camila having sex doesn't mean we 'clarified' anything."

She's Not Normal (Camren)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя