Chapter 11

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"Wait he actually asked you?" Dinah asked while clutching her stomach and laughing. I sat there with a grim look as I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"Yes Dinah! He fucking asked me to be in the musical with him." I said irritated that she was just laughing it off.

"Oh don't be so bitter about it Laur, I honestly didn't think he would actually ask you." She said as her laugh subsided.

"What do you mean? Are you saying he wouldn't ask me because my voice isn't good enough?" I bit back now shooting her a glare.

She raised her hands in defense, "Damn girl. What crawled up your ass today? And you know that's not what I meant."

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I moved my arms and rested against them on the table.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, "I just don't want to sing in front of people and now it's giving me anxiety." I mumbled gloomily.

"Aw come on Lauren. Even if I haven't heard you fully sing, I've heard you mumble or hum songs before and it honestly sounds amazing. I'm sure you'll slay that performance." She assured as she rubbed my arm.

"I just-I've never been confident in my singing and now I have to sing in front of more than half the school." I sulked while groaning

"Then why did you accept?" Dinah asked in a 'duh' voice.

"I didn't." I glared at her, "Normani did. I was gonna decline but she butt in and accepted against my will."

"Really? Wow didn't know mani would've done that." She looked surprised.

"Yea well she did and now I have to perform for this stupid musical thing." I pouted sadly while picking at the chipping paint on the old run-down table.

"I think it will be fun. Besides Brad is pretty cute." She winked over at me. "I think you'll actually thank us."

I sighed as I snickered. "Dinah I thought you knew about what I like."

"I do...." She paused as a thoughtful expression appeared on her face as she now thought about it. "Wait, your Bi aren't you?"

"No, well I mean," I debated as I sighed. "It's complicated" I bit my lip.

"Elaborate please."

"Well I do find certain males attractive but I personally prefer females. I mean I might date a guy but that will be really rare. I'm more lenient towards girls." I explained. Speaking of that my mind raced to Camila. One whole week since I've seen her. One week.

"Oh so-,"

"Hey have you heard or seen Camila by any chance?" I asked interrupting her. "Sorry," I apologized after she gave me her look.

"Ugh rude," she sassed as she tossed her hair over her shoulder, "Anyways to answer your question, no. I told you before, she always disappears like that. No contact at all. Zero." She replied as she shaped a '0' sign with her hand, representing zero and how much contact she's had.

"Oh..." Was all I said. I knew that the day before most likely had to do with Camila. It wasn't possible for me to blank out like that.

"So your gonna actually go with this whole musical thing?" She asked while pulling out her phone to check the time.

"I guess," I shrugged. "I mean it would just be rude if I told him no after he seemed really happy to find a lead singer."

"True," she nodded agreeing. "Sorry about that honestly." She sincerely apologized, "I really didn't think he was gonna ask you. I said it more as a joke, but I'm happy that you agreed, or Normani." She laughed as she snickered.

She's Not Normal (Camren)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें