Chapter Eighteen - You Lied

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Chapter Eighteen

Tessa's P.O.V.

I woke up with my head pounding and my body aching all over. I didn't know how I got to my bed, or how I had stitches in my head... I pushed away the thought and got out of bed. I quickly took a shower then changed into a 'Good Vibes' t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts, before going out into the living room. When I went out into the living room to see Tayte and Hailey watching tv and drinking coffee. As I walked out they both turned to me.

" Tessa! You're okay!" Hailey said running over to me and giving me a tight hug. I winced at the contact and she quickly pulled away and apologized.

" It's okay." I said, slightly chuckling, "Thank you guys for helping me, I don't know how or what you did, but thank you." I said looking at them both.

"You're welcome. So now tell us, what exactly happened?" Tayte said giving me a serious look.

I didn't want to tell them about Julio, it could put them at risk. And I didn't want them worrying about me anymore. I was just going to say that a few guys jumped me as I was walking back to my car.

" Well I was walking back to my car and two guys jumped me. I fought back for as long as I could before I finally passed out. When I woke up they had taken my wallet. I drove home and was feeling dizzy when I made it inside, then I passed out again." I partially lied.

" The things people do these days." Hailey muttered shaking her head.

I looked at Tayte but he didn't seem convinced. But I brushed off the thought and went to the kitchen to take some pain killers. After that I ate a little breakfast then went back into the living room.

" Hey guys we need to get to school." I told them.

" You need to stay home and rest." Tayte told me sternly.

"I'm feeling better really. My head and muscles are just a little sore that's all. But it's nothing serious. And look I'll go home if I feel any worse, I promise." I promised Tayte.

Tayte hesitated but then agreed. "Fine but you're riding with me. No driving."

I opened my mouth to argue but I knew Tayte wouldn't budge on letting me drive. So I nodded my head then went back to my room to grab my things before heading down to the parking garage with Tayte and Hailey right beside me.

By the time we got to school it was lunch and everyone was in the cafeteria eating. I walked over to Mason's table as Tayte and Hailey went to go find Chloe. As I was walking in I got a few stares, probably because my lip is cut and I have multiple bruises. When I got over to Mason's table they all turned to me and it got really quiet.

"Hey guys" I said smiling, not wanting them to bring up my lip or bruises.

"Hey, it's about time you showed up." Mason said to me.

"What the hell happened to you princess?" Noah asked.

And before I knew it the words flew out of my mouth, " Oh I fell while playing just dance and cut my lip on the corner of the coffee table."

They all looked stunned but then burst out laughing.

" I might have to start calling you clumsy instead of princess." Noah said finally calming down.

We all just sat and talked for the rest of lunch before going back to class. Once again all of the classes went by fast except for History when Valentino kept staring at me throughout class. But other than that classes passed by quickly. I made my way out to Mason's car since he was taking me home. I waited for a few minutes before he finally showed up. He didn't say a word to me and just got into his car, slamming the door. Wondering what that was about I got into the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Mason just ignored me and turned up the volume on the music and continued driving. What the hell is his deal? I haven't done anything to make him mad. The plan to our revenge is going accordingly, Valentino is jealous and Gavin is mad. So what is he so pissy about? Pissed off I turn down the music and stare at him.

"What the hell is up?" I ask pissed.

Mason continues to ignore me and reaches to turn the volume back up but I slap his hand away. He looks over at me, then glares but still gives me the silent treatment. It's silent for the rest of the ride when he arrives at my apartment complex. He parks and waits for me to get out but I just sit there.

"I'm not getting out until you tell me what you're so mad about." I argue.

Mason shakes his head but then gets out of the car. He mutters words under his breath as he walks over to my side.

"What the hell are-" I ask as he opens up my door but I'm cut off as he picks me up bridal style. I let out a scream as he flips me around so my face is in his butt.

"Mason put me down right now!" I shout angrily.

Mason chuckles a little but continues to make his way towards the elevator. People stop and give us funny looks and I just shake my head of embarrassment. The elevator opens up and people flow out giving us more weird looks and then we enter. Sadly no one else is in the elevator with us and we're stuck alone. With Mason still holding me upside down. My head begins to hurt as I feel the blood rushing to it.

"Mason please put me down." I plead.

He continues to ignore me but reaches into my back pocket and grabs my keys. I try to swat his hand away, considering that his hand is on my butt, but I can't reach him. Soon enough the elevator bell rings and we exit the elevator and make our way to my penthouse. He holds me with one hand as he opens the door with the other. Once we're inside Mason flips me back around then drops me on my butt.

I groan and sway as all of the blood rushes back to my body. After composing myself I glare at Mason who has a smirk on his face.

"Okay now tell me why you're mad." I said standing up.

Mason sighs but then finally speaks. " You."

"Me?" I question.

"Yes! You lied to me! You said you fell while playing just dance but I don't think that you did because you have multiple bruises and cuts! I think you went out fighting again!" Mason yelled walking up to my face.

I sighed " Yes I lied. But no I didn't fight last night. I was jumped. I was walking back to my car when these two guys came at me. I fought them off for as long as I could before they got to be too much. I ended up passing out and when I woke up my wallet was gone. I managed to get home but passed out again." I lied again.

Mason looked at me. Searching in my eyes to see if I was lying, but I keep my face calm. " Are you okay?" he asked as the anger from earlier vanished.

I nodded. " yeah, I have a small cut on my head and stomach, but that's the only serious things."

"I'm sorry." Mason said pulling me into a hug.

"I am too." I said hugging him back.

Mason confuses me so much. One minute he's nice then he's rude, and then he's nice again. Damn is he bipolar?

"I've got to go, but I'll text you later okay?" He says walking towards the door.

"Yeah bye." I say shutting the door behind him.

It All Started With Revenge(REWRITING) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora