The Waves of Death Compassed Me - Part B

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He smacked the now empty cup onto the table causing Rison and Afton, who had been sitting to the side in silence, to jump at the noise. "You two," Caddo commanded, pointing at the both of them, "leave us. We have a matter to discuss that would not be good for others to hear."

Rison felt her ears get hot. "You do not trust me? How can you say that?"

Caddo shook his head in apparent dismay. "Even now, you do not think. You do not use that lump of matter between your ears for anything useful, do you? I begin to wonder if there is any hope for you. But I will explain. If you hear something, you can be sure that information can be extracted from you. If you do not hear it, it cannot happen."

Rison felt foolish once again and trudged out of the grotto with Afton trailing in silence behind her. He sported a sly grin and she knew he was looking for an opportunity to get in a good dig at her expense.

He didn't wait long. Just outside the grotto entrance he started in on her. "That was quite a performance back there. Do you always..."

His words were cut short when he found himself flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. "I would choose your next words very carefully," said Rison with a snarl. "If you think it might even be wise to say anything at all."

Several of Tyler's scouts who had been loitering near the grotto broke into laughter at the sight of Afton sprawled in the dirt. To his credit, he didn't seem angry, he laughed along with the others when he realized he had been bested by a girl, one younger and much smaller than he. Watching him, her embarrassment evaporated and she extended a hand to help him to his feet.

The cart, complete with the mule and the mystery crates remained where she and Caddo had stopped earlier. The presence of the scouts, lounging about in a casual manner did little to fool her. They guarded the cart and she did not believe it would be leaving from the control of Tyler without a fight.

Realizing she could do nothing to address the situation, she sat and leaned against the wheel of the cart and listened to the idle talk of the men. Afton, in the same predicament, did the same. The minutes ticked away and with a full belly and the sun warming her after the relative coolness of the grotto, she dozed. A tiny part of her mind remained aware, knowing she should be alert and observant of everything transpiring around her. But she was so very tired and surely a little nap wouldn't hurt.


The second near death experience borne of Caddo's plan began when Rison was nudged awake by the butt end of a lance held by one of Tyler's scouts.

"Secure her," said Tyler with casual indifference. "Then take the contents of the cart into the deep storage. I want a guard posted on these crates every hour of every day."

The scout yanked her to her feet and thrust her against the cart. He forced her hands behind her back and tied them with coarse rope in a not-so-gentle manner. She looked over her shoulder trying to spy Caddo and gasped when she caught his eye. A trickle of blood ran down his face and his hands were bound as well.

"Caddo!" She cried. "What is going on?"

He smiled and she knew he was trying to fill her with confidence. "It seems our overture of cooperation has been rebuffed and it looks like we just might be escorted out of Blood territory."

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